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ME 471 - Finite Element Analysis

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

The finite element method and its application to engineering problems: truss and frame structures, heat conduction, and linear elasticity; use of application software; overview of advanced topics such as structural dynamics, fluid flow, and nonlinear structural analysis. Course Information: Same as AE 420 and CSE 451. 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both ME 471 and CEE 470. Prerequisite: CS 101 and ME 371 or TAM 470. Alternatively, AE 370 for AE students.

Related Faculty

Course Description

This course covers the finite element method and its application to engineering problems: truss and frame structures, heat conduction, and linear elasticity; use of application software; overview of advanced topics such as structural dynamics, fluid flow, and nonlinear structural analysis.

Credit Hours

3 or 4


BS degree in engineering or science from an accredited college in the United States or an approved institution of higher learning abroad and a basic course in computing with application to engineering and undergraduate course in mechanical design.

Finite Element AnalysisB336848LEC30900 - 0950 M W F  103 Transportation Building Huck Beng Chew
Finite Element AnalysisB462977LEC40900 - 0950 M W F  103 Transportation Building Huck Beng Chew
Finite Element AnalysisONL41754ONL3 -    Huck Beng Chew
Finite Element AnalysisZJU76321LEC30900 - 0950 M W F  103 Transportation Building Huck Beng Chew