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IE 519 - Combinatorial Optimization

Last offered Spring 2022

Official Description

The course will cover a series of topics in combinatorial optimization. The emphasis will be on polyhedral theory, structural results and their applications to designing algorithms. Specific topics to be covered include: Matchings, b-matchings, T-joins, T-cuts, Arborescences, Branchings, Matroids, Matroid Intersection, Polymatroids, Submodular Functions, Directed Cuts, Multi-flows. Course Information: Same as CS 586. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Prerequisite: Familiarity with linear programs (IE 411 or equivalent), Algorithms (CS 374 or equivalent), and Graph Theory (Math 412 or equivalent).

Related Faculty

Combinatorial OptimizationA70395LEC41100 - 1220 T R  0216 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Chandra Chekuri