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ENG 491 CU1 - Nanosatellite Design Build 1

Last offered Spring 2025

Official Description

Disciplined, multi-department, team-structured project design experience with an overall (or major phase) end-of-term completion date. Projects involve design specification through a proposal, analyses of cost and other tradeoffs among alternative designs, design review, fabrication and assembly, functional and environmental testing, and demonstrations (as applicable). Reports and presentations at the end of each term. Individual engineering activities as well as team responsibilities. Course Information: 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Senior standing required. May be repeated. Credit toward the degree is determined by the student's major department. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Section Description

ENG 491 CU1 - Nanosatellite Design and Build 1 is an advanced course focusing on the in-depth tools and techniques used in spacecraft development. It covers topics such as link and power budgets, orbit analysis, and spacecraft testing with lab equipment like thermal vacuum chambers (TVAC), solar simulators, and center of gravity/moment of inertia measurement tools. Students engage heavily in CubeSat projects, applying advanced concepts to real satellite missions and testing. The course has a strong lab component, emphasizing independent project work and hands-on experience in spacecraft testing and mission development. Students should take AE 298 INS (Intro to Nanosatellite Design) prior to taking ENG 491 CU1.
Nanosatellite Design Build 1CU155653LEC10830 - 0950 T R  3117 Everitt Laboratory Murphy C Stratton