Course Websites

ENG 411 - Technical Communications

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Serves as a weekly meeting and professional development for current Engineering Ambassadors members. The course provides instruction in preparing for and managing classroom visits as well as practice for presentation skills. In addition, guest speakers are brought in from campus to help with professional development of the members. Graduate members have additional responsibility to be team leaders and complete a project for the society. Course Information: 1 undergraduate hour. 1 graduate hour. May be repeated. This course is repeatable for as long as a student is active in Engineering Ambassadors. As students progress through the program, they are still growing and developing as ambassadors. Students will benefit from hearing from the guest lectures, which vary each offering, and also act as mentors for younger members during classroom visits and in group activities during class. It is a benefit to both the older and younger members to have a variety of experiences in the class. Prere

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Technical CommunicationsEA77160LCD11900 - 1950 M  4039 Campus Instructional Facility Jenny Amos
Joan Mungovan Brown