Course Websites

ENG 377 - ELA Global Leadership Training

Last offered Spring 2025

Official Description

Designed to support new Engineering Learning Assistants (ELAs). The purpose of the course is to provide pedagogical and mentorship training for ELAs to successfully teach. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary, in separate terms to a maximum of 2 undergraduate hours. Prerequisite: Instructor Approval Required.
Pedagogy & Mentoring for ELAsALT75368LCD11400 - 1450 T R  2320 Digital Computer Laboratory Kimberly Powers
Pedagogy & Mentoring for ELAsBLT75369LCD11600 - 1650 T R  3117 Everitt Laboratory Kimberly Powers
Pedagogy & Mentoring for ELAsCLT75371LCD10900 - 0950 T R  106B6 Engineering Hall Kimberly Powers
Pedagogy & Mentoring for ELAsDLT75373LCD11500 - 1550 M W  0018 Campus Instructional Facility Kimberly Powers
Pedagogy & Mentoring for ELAsELT75375LCD11000 - 1050 T R  106B6 Engineering Hall Kimberly Powers
Pedagogy & Mentoring for ELAsFLT75771LCD10900 - 0950 M W  3038 Campus Instructional Facility Kimberly Powers
ELA Global Leadership TrainingGLT73393LCD10800 - 0850 F  0018 Campus Instructional Facility Kimberly Powers
Brian S Woodard