Course Websites

ENG 177 SS1 - GFX Sustainability Schlrs-T&T

Last offered Fall 2023

Official Description

Provides first-year students with opportunities to participate in interdisciplinary courses designed to help explore what is means to be an engineer and develop skills required in the engineering workplace, be it team dynamics, leadership skills, intercultural competency, or communication techniques. Students will explore topic areas offered as separate sections under the course heading. Each section uses a hands-on, interactive, discussion/team-based approach. The courses use active learning exercises in addition to reflections, readings, and project work. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms for a maximum of 4 hours.

Section Description

In this course, we will learn about issues related to sustainability and sustainable practices, both in engineering and in our personal lives. A trip to Trinidad & Tobago will take place at the end of the course to interact with locals through the service-learning projects worked on in class during the fall. The program would travel between January 3 -14, 2024. Enrollment in this section does not include travel costs, which must be paid separately. Estimated travel costs are ~$3910 and include round-trip airfare, ground transportation, lodging, meals, international insurance, and in-country programming. Students will receive a $1500 scholarship through IPENG (conditional on applying) as part of their scholars? program making the total program cost $2410.
GFX Sustainability Schlrs-T&TSS171614LCD11000 - 1050 R  106B6 Engineering Hall Gretchen M Forman