Course Websites

ENG 177 SR1 - Research Scholars

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Provides first-year students with opportunities to participate in interdisciplinary courses designed to help explore what is means to be an engineer and develop skills required in the engineering workplace, be it team dynamics, leadership skills, intercultural competency, or communication techniques. Students will explore topic areas offered as separate sections under the course heading. Each section uses a hands-on, interactive, discussion/team-based approach. The courses use active learning exercises in addition to reflections, readings, and project work. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms for a maximum of 4 hours.

Section Description

This course is an introductory course for students in the Grainger First-Year Experience (GFX) Research Scholars program. It is designed as a series of workshops and class discussions with case studies and collaborative assignments to establish a community of novice researchers as a cohort. It will offer undergraduate students guidance and resources to use as they begin their research journey. The course will focus on current research in science and engineering on campus and provide background preparation for students interested in participating in research as an undergraduate. It will highlight innovations/accomplishments in the science and engineering fields.
Research ScholarsSR171613LCD11000 - 1050 T  0018 Campus Instructional Facility Natasha Johanna Mamaril