Course Websites

ENG 111 - ARISE Enrichment

Last offered Spring 2023

Official Description

Prepares traditionally underrepresented minority engineering students towards a successful campus experience. Students will build their academic and professional understanding through the development of a working academic success final report. This final report will help students identify, understand, and prepare to exceed expectations of them on campus, in the engineering curriculum, and in professional interactions with faculty and industry. Course Information: Prerequisite: Instructor Approval Required. Restricted to First time Freshmen.
ARISE EnrichmentARI73389LCD11400 - 1450 M  1035 Campus Instructional Facility Aldo Montagner Martinez
Ivan Favila
Minorities Interested in EngrgMIE73390LCD11600 - 1650 T  2036 Campus Instructional Facility Victor G. Cervantes
Ivan Favila