ECE 598


ECE 598: Waves Physics in Wireless Communication

Fall 2020








Teaching assistant




Office hour











































Professor Zhen Peng

Office: 5058 ECE Building


Teaching assistant:

Lecture Schedule:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 09:00 - 10:20

Class video in Echo 360 

Office hour

Wednesdays 1:00-3:00 pm



  • M. Franceschetti, Wave Theory of Information, Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781139136334, 2017.
  • D. Tse, P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
  • T.L. Marzetta, E.G. Larsson, and T.B. Hansen, “Massive MIMO and Beyond”, in Information Theoretic Perspective on 5G Systems and Beyond, I. Maric, O. Simeone, S. Shamai (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2019.
  • M. T. Ivrlac and J. A. Nossek, “Toward a Circuit Theory of Communication,” IEEE. Trans. Circuits and Systems, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1663-1683, 2010.

Course Overview:

In this graduate course, we will discuss the wave physics of information transmission in diverse and complex environments. Students will learn physics-based modelling of the wireless system through electromagnetic theory, which, in turn, will appreciate the formulation and development of commensurate communication theory. 

1.    Fundamental Elements of Electromagnetics (Weeks 1-2)

•       Maxwell’s Equations

•       Plane Wave Representation

•       Green’s Function

•       Antenna Radiation

•       Reaction Theorem and Reciprocity Theorem

2.    Information-theoretic Representation of EM Wave (Weeks 2-4)

•       Wave Physics of Information

•       Information Content of the Waveform

•       Green’s Function Propagation Operator

•       Multiple Transmitters and Receivers

•       Hilbert-Schmidt Integral Operator

3.    Stochastic Representation of Wave Propagation (Weeks 4-6)

•       Green’s Function for a Random Environment

•       Spatially Varying Green’s Function: Coherence Distance

•       Frequency-Varying Green’s Function: Coherence Bandwidth

•       Time-Varying Green’s Function: Coherence Time

•       Karhunen-Loeve Representation

4.    Communication Technologies used in Wireless Systems (Weeks 6-7)

•       Propagation Effects: Multiplexing and Diversity

•       Orthogonal Time Division (TDMA/GSM)

•       Orthogonal Spectrum Division (OFDM)

•       Orthogonal Code Division (CDMA)

•       Orthogonal Spatial Division (MIMO)

5.    Multiple Scattering in Random Media (Weeks 8-10)

•       Multiple Scattering and Born Approximation

•       Random Walk Theory

•       Propagation of Coherence

•       Hilbert-Schmidt Decomposition 

•       Degrees of Freedom and Stochastic Diversity

•       Pulse Propagation in Random Media

6.    Wave-Chaotic Indoor Environment (Weeks 10-12)

•       Introduction to Deterministic Chaos

•       Cavity Modal Theory

•       Random Wave Model

•       Random Matrix Theory

•       Stochastic Green’s Function in Chaotic Media

•       Spectral-Spatial Correlations in Information Transmission 

7.    Large-Scale System Analysis (Weeks 13-14)

•       Massive MIMO and Holographic Surface

•       Fourier Spectral Representation

•       Channel Degrees of Freedoms

•       Connection to Statistical Physics 


ECE350 (or ECE520), ECE 361, ECE 454 (or ECE 577), or consent of the instructor




Aug 2020: ECE598


Electrical and Computer Engineering Department


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign