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ECE 590 TL - Teaching and Leadership
Last offered Spring 2025
Official Description
Lectures and discussions on current research and literature on advanced topics in electrical engineering. Course Information: Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 1 hour in the same semester to a maximum of 4 credit hours in separate semesters, if topics vary. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Section Description
Develop professional skills through practical training in classroom management and leadership; review pedagogy and theory of learning. Create communities of practice through discussions and classroom observations; become familiar with campus resources for teaching improvement; discover cutting-edge teaching methods, including active learning and project-based learning through exposure to educational research topics.
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Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Teaching and Leadership | TL | 47758 | LCD | 1 | 1100 - 1150 | F | 3039 Campus Instructional Facility | Yuting Wu Chen |