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Course Websites

ECE 590 K - Human-Centered Autonomy

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Lectures and discussions on current research and literature on advanced topics in electrical engineering. Course Information: 0 to 1 graduate hours. No professional credit. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 1 hour in the same semester to a maximum of 4 credit hours in separate semesters, if topics vary. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Section Description

This seminar discusses the tools and techniques required to bring robotics and autonomy into public, human environments. Topics include theoretical foundations in human-robot interaction and machine learning / AI as well as applications (e.g., manufacturing, autonomous vehicles, agricultural, assistive robotics, etc). Participants are expected to present research ideas or review current literature on the topic, as well as written critiques of publications and others' presentations.

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Schedule and Instructors

Human-Centered AutonomyK76488LEC11100 - 1150 T     Katie Driggs-Campbell