Syllabus: Characterizing noise, digital modulation, demodulation, signal space methods, channel models, bit error rate, equalization, wireless channels, multiantenna systems, coding and modulation, spread spectrum, and orthogonal frequency modulation.
Prerequisite: ECE 461 or ECE 459 or equivalent.
prerequisites: Undergraduate digital communication and probability courses and some discrete-time signal processing background.
Textbook: None, but you may find these typed notes to be useful.
Suggested reading (references reserved in Grainger Library):
U. Madhow Fundamentals of Digital Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
J. M. Wozencraft and I. M. Jacobs, Principles of Communication Engineering, Wiley, 1965.
A. Lapidoth A Foundation in Digital Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001
R. E. Blahut, Digital Transmission of Information, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
Exams, homework, grading, etc.:
- Homework (H) problems will be assigned on a (approx.) fortnightly basis and be submitted via Gradescope. Collaboration on the homework is permitted, however each student must write and submit independent solutions. No late homework will be accepted (unless an extension is granted in advance by the instructor).
- There will be two mid-term exams and a final project. The first midterm exam (M1) will be held in the beginning of October, and the second midterm exam (M2) will be held in the beginning of December. Details of the final project (F) will be given to you early in the semester.
- You may bring one sheet of notes to the first exam, and two to the second exam. You may use both sides of the sheets, the sheets are to be standard US or European size with font size 10 or larger printing (or similar handwriting size). The examinations are closed book otherwise. Calculators, laptop computers, tables of integrals, etc. are not permitted.
- Your course grade will be determined by your performance in the H, M1, M2 and F, according to the formula:
Score = .2H + 0.3F + max{.35M1 + .15M2, .15M1 + .35M2},
where H, M1, M2 and F are normalized to 100.