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ECE 537 - Speech Processing Fundamentals

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Development of an intuitive understanding of speech processing by the auditory system, in three parts. I): The theory of acoustics of speech production, introductory acoustic phonetics, inhomogeneous transmission line theory (and reflectance), room acoustics, the short-time Fourier Transform (and its inverse), and signal processing of speech (LPC, CELP, VQ). II): Psychoacoustics of speech perception, critical bands, masking (JNDs), and the physiology of the auditory pathway (cochlear modeling). III): Information theory entropy, channel capacity, the confusion matrix, state models, EM algorithms, and Bayesian networks. Presentation of classic papers on speech processing and speech perception by student groups. MATLAB (or equivalent) programming in majority of assignments. Course Information: Prerequisite: ECE 310.

Related Faculty

Subject Area

  • Biomedical Imaging, Bioengineering, and Acoustics

Course Director


This course will bring the student to the forefront of signal processing with many practical results and a fundamental understanding of the basic requirements to develop novel algorithms in speech recognition and processing, where the resulting signals are meant for listening, such as speech coding. Speech processing in three parts:

  • I: The theory of acoustics of speech production, introductory acoustic phonetics, including inhomogeneous transmission line theory, reflectance, room acoustics, the short-time Fourier Transform (and its inverse), and signal processing of speech, such as LPC/CELP/VQ.
  • II: Psychoacoustics of speech perception, critical bands, masking JNDs, and the physiology of the auditory pathway; cochlear modeling.
  • III: Information theory, entropy, channel capacity, the confusion matrix, state models, EM algorithms, and Bayesian networks. Classic papers on speech processing and speech perception assigned and presented by student groups.

Detailed Description and Outline

If you are a serious student and really want to learn how speech is generated, processed and understood by the brain, please join us at:

Aspects of information theory, speech and signal processing will be discussed.

Prof Allen

Computer Usage

Octave (or Matlab) will be used in homeworks


A final report will replace a final exam.


J. Flanagan, J. Allen, and M. Hasagawa-Johnson, Speech Analysis Synthesis and Perception, 3rd ed., 2008. (Electronic format provided by instructor.)

Speech Processing FundamentalsE29993LEC41200 - 1250 M W F  3015 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg  Mark Hasegawa-Johnson