ECE 498KF - Quantum Optics & Devices


Term: Sping 2024

Course Objective: This course is planned to prepare ECE students with the essential physics and device knowledge for the advent of quantum technology era. The first half of the course will cover concepts and formalisms of quantum optics. Though developed initially in the context of quantum optics, these techniques are generally applicable to other quantum systems and are now essential for design and analysis of quantum devices. The second half of the course will thus be focused on the application of the theoretical tools to study a variety of quantum device platforms.

Time/Location: T/R 09:30AM - 10:50AM, 3081 ECE Building

Instructor: Prof. Kejie Fang, (Office: MNTL2112, Email:

Office Hours: M 11-noon. 2112 MNTL

Course Website:

Primary Textbook: “Quantum Optics,” by D. F. Walls and G. J. Milburn. Lecture notes will be posted on the course website.

Grading: The grading for the course breaks down as follows:

Homework will be regularily assigned and posted on the course website.


Final Exam


HW1  Solutions

HW2  Solutions

HW3  Solutions

HW4  Solutions

HW5  Solutions

HW6  Solutions


Lecture Notes

Lecture 0

Lecture 1  Lecture 2

Lecture 3  Lecture 4

Lecture 5  Lecture 6

Lecture 7  Lecture 8

Lecture 9

Lecture 10  Lecture 11

Lecture 12  Lecture 13

Lecture 14  Lecture 15

Lecture 16  Lecture 17

Lecture 18

Lecture 19  Lecture 20

Lecture 21  Lecture 22