ECE 462 Lecture Slides

Fall 2021


Lecture Slides

All lecture slides will be posted before corresponding lectures and updated after.

08/25/2020 Lecture1: Introduction to Logic Synthesis [PDF [Updated_PDF]

08/27/2020 Lecture2: Boolean Algebra [PDF] [Updated_PDF]

09/01/2020 Lecture3: Boolean Algebra [PDF] [Updated_PDF]

09/03/2020 Lecture 4: Boolean Minimization [PDF

09/08/2020 Lecture 5: K-Maps [PDF]

09/08/2020 Lecture 6: Quine McCluskey Method [PDF]

09/15/2020 Lecture 7: Dominance Method [PDF]

09/17/2020 Lecture 8: Branch and Bound Algorithm [PDF]

09/22/2020 Lecture 9: Petrick's Method [PDF]

09/24/2020 Lecture 10: GreedyAlgorithm [PDF]

09/29/2020 Lecture 11: Multiple Output K-Map [PDF]

10/01/2020 Lecture 12: Multiple Output QM  [PDF]

10/06/2020 Lecture 13: Function classification [PDF]

10/13/2020 Lecture 14: Function classification Ctd. [PDF]

10/15/2020 Lecture 15: Binary Decision Diagram [PDF]

10/20/2020 Lecture 16: Binary Decision Diagram Ctd. [PDF]

10/22/2020 Lecture 17: Binary Decision Diagram Ctd. [PDF]

10/27/2020 Lecture 18: FSM [PDF][Updated_PDF]

10/29/2020 Lecture 19: FSM Ctd. [PDF][Updated_PDF]

11/05/2020 Lecture 20: FSM Ctd. [PDF][Updated_PDF]

11/05/2020 Lecture 21: Product Machine [PDF][Updated_PDF]

11/10/2020 Lecture 22: Automatic Test Generation [PDF][Updated_PDF]

11/12/2020 Lecture 23: Automatic Test Generation Ctd [PDF][Updated_PDF]

11/19/2020 Lecture 24: Test & Verification [PDF]

12/1/2020 Lecture 25: Multi Level Logic Synthesis [PDF]

12/5/2020 Lecture 26: Multi Level Logic Synthesis [PDF1][PDF2]

12/8/2020 Lecture 27: Technology Mapping [PDF]

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