ECE 459 - Exams

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Exams and reviews for them are scheduled for these dates:

No conflict exams: There are no scheduled make-up exams. If you miss an exam due to illness, injury, family emergency or other reasons beyond your control, you will be asked to provide your professor with an absence letter from the Student Assistance Center in the Office of the Dean of Students. Documentation which validates the absence is required by the Dean's Office to provide the absence letter. The absence letter will serve to verify the reason for your absence from the exam. Your instructor will then take an appropriate action that may include offering an oral examination or written examination.

Exam instructions:

DRES: Students with documented disabilities must notify the lecture instructor at least two weeks before Exam 1.


We will use Gradescope to grade the exams, so you will receive an email from Gradescope to log in and see your graded exam. If after looking at the posted solutions, you feel there was an inaccuracy in the grading of your exam, you can request a regrade within Gradescope itself.
Do not submit a regrade asking for more partial credit because you did so much work nor because you think something should be worth more/less that it does. Only regrades regarding inaccurate grading will be addressed.
Regrades could be subjected a regrading of the entire exam, no just those parts you indicate. Therefore, your grade could go up or down as appropriate.
Make sure you submit regrade requests by noon on Friday of the week in which the graded exams are made available via Gradescope.
No regrades will be accepted after the deadline, so do not wait until the last minute to submit it and then run into internet issues.
Exam 1
Exam 2