
For three-credit students, the cumulative score for the semester is a
weighted sum of component scores, with the following weights:

* 15%: Quizzes
* 45%: Machine problems
* 10%: Exam 1
* 10%: Exam 2
* 20%: Final exam

For four-credit students, the cumulative score for the semester is a
weighted sum of component scores, with the following weights:

* 12%: Quizzes
* 33%: Machine problems
* 7.5%: Exam 1
* 7.5%: Exam 2
* 15%: Final exam
* 25%: Project

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
   :caption: More information on each of these things is available as follows:
Late Policy

Every assignment (every quiz, every MP, every component of the
4-credit project) can be submitted late, with a penalty: your
assignment grade will be multiplied by :math:`\max(0.5,1-t/20)`, where
:math:`t` is the lateness of your submission in days.  For example, if
you're late by up to one day, you can earn 95% credit; if you're late
by any number of days greater than 9, you can still earn up to 50%

.. warning:: Warnings about the late penalty

   * Gradescope does not show you the late penalty.  If you want to
     know what your score *really* is, you need to check Gradescope's
     ``lateness`` field, and calculate your  late penalty yourself.
   * The late penalty is not waived for illness, or for any other reason.
     The late penalty is mild on purpose, so that it is possible to recover
     from an illness and still submit the homework for most of the available points.

Collaboration Policy

    * You may not share code with other students.

    * You may copy code from any source you find on the web, as long as your code contains comments
      giving the source URL.

    * Most other types of collaboration are allowed: please feel free
      to share verbal descriptions of solution ideas, block
      diagrams, limited bits of pseudocode, and pointers to web
      resources with other students.

Grade Cutoffs

Grade cutoffs are approximately as follows, where :math:`\mu` is the
class average, :math:`\sigma` is the standard deviation.  These
thresholds are not guaranteed, but they rarely change by much.

.. math::
