ECE 447 – Active Microwave Circuit Design

Spring 2021


  • Welcome to Spring 2021 offering of ECE 447! For this semester, the course is online-only and it is required to attend live lectures.

  • We will be using Compass2G for HW/Lab distributions and submissions.

  • IMPORTANT: Exams will be proctored online by TA using two-device proctoring. This means you are required to have:

    • A computer for viewing the exam

    • A mobile device/tablet/second computer with camera for live video feed of your desk/workspace

    • Sufficient Internet connection to stream your live video feed

  • All dates/times used in this course refer to local time in Champaign, IL.


Instructor: Prof. Xu Chen
Office: Zoom
Office Hours: Tuesday 10-11 AM

Teaching Assistant

TA: Bobi Shi Liuqing Gao
Office: Zoom Zoom
Office Hours: Wednesday 4-5 PM Wednesday 4-5 PM


Attendance of live lectures is required. Live lectures only, no recording unless specifically requested.

Days Times Zoom Link
M 4:00-5:15 PM Zoom


Attendance to labs using Zoom is required.

Lab Section: ABA ABB ABC
Time: Wednesday 1-3:50 PM Wednesday 6-8:50 PM Thursday 6-8:50 PM
Zoom Link: Zoom Zoom Zoom


ECE 329 (must have), ECE 340 (must have), ECE 350 (good to have), ECE 451 (good to have), and ECE 457 (must have).

Course Goals

The goal of this course is to develop students’ design, analysis, and evaluation skills at microwave frequencies where lumped elements are no longer appropriate. Through problem-solving and design activities, the course will frist review passive device and componets (20%) and then introduce the design and analysis of active microwave circuits (80%), samll signal amplifers, low noise amplifers, power amplifers, and mixers, that constitute wireless communication systems between the antenna and the digital signal processor.


  • Required: Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design, 2nd edition, Guillermo Gonzalez, Prentice Hall.

  • Recommended: Microwave Engineering, 4th Edition, David Pozar.

  • Recommended: Fundamentals of Microwave and RF Design, 3rd Edition, Michael Steer.

Grading Policy

ECE 447  
Homework 20%
Lab Attendance and Reports 50%
Final Exam 30%

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to abide by the University of Illinois Student Code.

Any academic integrity violations will result in a FAIR report. Furthermore, the penalty will be as follows:

  • A score of 0 (zero) on the assignment or exam where the academic integrity violation occurred.

  • A second offense results in a grade of F for the course.

The following is a partial list of academic integrity violations for this course:

  • Copying homework or lab reports from other students (working together and discussing is acceptable)

  • Copying homework or lab reports from past solutions

  • Using websites such as Chegg or Course Hero while completing any course assignments or exams

  • Using unauthorized materials or discussing during exams

  • Violating CBTF proctoring policies

  • Communicating with any person during exams

  • Discussing the exam with any person within 24 hours of exam completion

  • Not an academic integrity violation: Distributing any course material without authorization. This includes uploading homeworks/solutions and exam solutions to web sites, or sharing these documents with people not enrolled in the course.

    • Although not an academic integrity violation, it is a violation of the law and I will refer you to U.S. Attorney's Office for prosecution under The Digital Millennium Copyright Act.