• MP0 files and documentation will be released in the _release repository shortly after the first lecture.
  • Before you start, please follow these steps:
    1. Make sure to create your own repository using this link. (If you have a problem creating your repository, please send a private post on Piazza.)
    2. Create a directory for your ECE 411 files.
    3. Execute the following commands in order. (Please replace "NETID" in the commands with your NetID):
    $ git init $ git remote add origin git@github-dev.cs.illinois.edu:ece411-sp20/NETID.git $ git remote add release git@github-dev.cs.illinois.edu:ece411-sp20/_release.git $ git fetch release $ git merge --allow-unrelated-histories release/mp0 -m "Merging provided MP0 files" $ git push --set-upstream origin master
    4. To setup SSH access to your repository, see this documentation.
    5. Also, you can download the _release/mp0/ directory (as ZIP file) and copy the files manually to your repository.
  • The deadline for MP0 is Monday, Jan. 27 by 11:59 pm.