ECE 343: Electronic Circuits Lab
Labs will begin during first week of classes 01/20 - 01/24.
General Information :
Lab Location : 4074 ECEB
Instructor: | Chandra Radhakrishnan |
E-mail: | |
Office: | 3050 Electrical and Computer Engineering Building
TA: | Luke Granger | Prithvi Nathan | Tianle Wu | Joe Yu | Ye Li |
E-mail: | lukeag3 | pnathan2 | tianle3 | tianyuy4 | yel3 |
Meeting Times:
Lab and Grading:
Demo: | 60% |
Completed lab manual: | 20% |
Post lab write-up | 20% |
Lab exercises and lab manual must be completed in lab.
Labs must done in groups of two students.
Please ensure that your TA signs off on your work while completing the lab and before you leave the lab.
Post lab write-up is due before the beginning of the next lab.
Please clean up bench/cables after lab session.
Completed lab manual must submitted on Canvas by midnight of the day of completion of the entire lab.
Please note that course staff must be informed prior to the start of lab in case you will be missing a lab. Only one make-up lab is allowed for the semester. Make-up labs are allowed only for university approved reasons.
Lab attendance is required at all your regularly assigned lab sessions. No credit will be given for a lab in the case of an unexcused absence. Coming late to lab will affect your grade. Note that coming late by more than 20 minutes will count as an absence.
Academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade. Every student is expected to review and abide by the Academic Integrity Policy. Students should pay particular attention to Article 1, Part 4: Academic Integrity.