About the course
ECE 313 (also cross-listed as MATH 362) is a 3-credit undergraduate course on probability theory and statistics with applications to engineering problems primarily chosen from the areas of communications, control, signal processing, and computer engineering. Students taking ECE 313 might consider taking ECE 314, Probability Lab, at the same time.
EE and CompE students must complete one of the two courses ECE 313 or Stat 410.
Prerequisite: MATH 257 or MATH 416.
Detailed course description, including course goals and instructional objectives.
Course information in course explorer
LECTURES for sections ON1, ONL
Most lectures will be synchronous at 3-3.50pm CDT, MTWRF online via Zoom (link is in Canvas), but some will be pre-recorded.
All lectures will be recorded and available in the course's Mediaspace channel.
Lecture attendance is not required but is is strongly recommended in order for you to learn the course material well and obtain a good grade in the course.
Communication: It is the student's responsibility to attend lectures or watch the lecture recordings, as well as check their email daily, in case there are announcements from course staff. Missing a lecture and/or not checking your email will not excuse complying with course deadlines and policies.
- Slides
- Text : ECE 313 Course Notes (hardcopy sold through ECE Stores, pdf file available.) Corrections to notes.
- Optional Reading: D. V. Sarwate, Probability with Engineering Applications, Fall 2000.
- Reserve Books
Active participation in your learning environment is vital to your success in this course.
Campuswire: For discussions and questions regarding course material. Code to join: 9470.
Student online behavior: In any social interaction, certain rules of etiquette are expected and contribute to more enjoyable and productive communication. The following are tips for interacting online via e-mail or discussion board messages, adapted from guidelines originally compiled by Chuq Von Rospach and Gene Spafford (1995):
- Remember that the person receiving your message is someone like you, deserving and appreciating courtesy and respect.
- Be brief; succinct, thoughtful messages have the greatest effect.
- Your messages reflect on you personally; take time to make sure that you are proud of their form and content.
- Use descriptive subject headings in your e-mails.
- Think about your audience and the relevance of your messages.
- Be careful when you use humor and sarcasm; absent the voice inflections and body language that aid face-to-face communication, Internet messages are easy to misinterpret.
- When making follow-up comments, summarize the parts of the message to which you are responding.
- Avoid repeating what has already been said; needless repetition is ineffective communication.
You can check your grades in CanvasGrade Distribution Formula: Scores will be weighted as shown below to determine your total score, which in turn, will determine your grade.
- 10% HW (will drop your worst two HW grades)
- 60% Weekly quizzes (will drop your worst quiz grade)
- 30% Final Exam
- objective criteria (85% = A, 70% = B, 55% = C, etc.),
- statistical criteria (above-average scores = B or better, etc.).
- A's to scores greater than min(m+s,85)
- B's to scores in the range min(m,70) to min(m+s,85),
- C's to scores in the range min(m-s,55) to min(m,70)
- D's to scores in the range max(m-2s,45) to min(m-s,55)
- F's to scores below max(m-2s,45)
Notes regarding grading practices:
- The reason for saying rough guideline is that we reserve the right to make minor adjustments (upwards or downwards) to each cut-off if we can find a significant gap in scores. However, the enrollment is large enough that significant gaps in scores are unlikely. After the scores and grades are posted, we will not increase a grade just because it is just below a cutoff. If we were to lower a cutoff for one student then another student would be just below the new cutoff, etc. Whatever we do, there will be students just below the actual cutoffs.
- Regardless of your exam performance and the settings of the cut-offs, however, you will receive the same grade as everyone who has the same total score as you, and nobody who has a lower total score will receive a higher grade than you.
Homework assignment policy:
- Homework assignments constitue 10% of the course grade.
- There will be 1-2 homeworks per week.
- Homeworks will be posted in Gradescope and Canvas.
- Submissions will be made via Gradescope.
- Instructions for uploading your solutions to Gradescope can be found here.
- Gradescope now has a mobile app to make it easier to upload.
- Instructions on how to scan the pdf of the solutions in Android are here.
- Instructions on how to scan the pdf of the solutions in MacOS are here.
- Late homeworks will be accepted up to 1 hour after the deadline with a deduction of 10% of the HW total points (no negative final score), so please mark your calendar with the deadlines to avoid losing points.
Do not wait until the last minute to submit it and then run into internet issues because we will not give you an extension. Submit your HW as soon as you finish it because if you wait and forget to do it on time, we will not give you an extension.
- In order to account for sickness, travel or internet issues, your two lowest homework grades will be dropped.
- Make sure you box your final answers and match problem parts accurately in Gradescope, or you will be deducted 5% of the corresponding problem part.
- Make sure your submission is complete before logging out of Gradescope because we will not give an extension if you do not complete the submission. You will receive an automated email from Gradescope that includes the date and time you turned in the assignment, so make sure you get it.
- Make sure that your homeworks are neat enough to read. Graders has the flexibility to deduct points for lack of neatness. Graders should not have to guess what you wrote nor where in the page you wrote it. An easy to follow solution is required.
- Do not solve the HW directly on the provided pdf because there is not enough space for it and you will most likely lose points due to lack of neatness.
- Homeworks constitute an essential component of your learning experience in the course and prepare you for your quizzes/exams in effective ways. Investing time to do your homeworks with care will pay off when you are taking your quizzes/exams.
- You will be expected to provide detailed explanations of your solutions in order to obtain credit in your homeworks. Graders should not have to guess or make assumptions about why you are using a certain equation, or how you came up with an equation, etc. Conversely, solutions lacking full explanations will receive zero credit even when the answer provided may be correct, and may lead to an academic integrity violation case being opened against you.
- You are encouraged to collaborate to understand the problems in the assignment, but each student should solve the problems individually for submission even if they work together initially to understand how to solve the problems. Copying a joint solution or someone else's solution is not acceptable and may lead to sanctions and an academic integrity violation case being opened against you.
. - Using previous semester homework solutions or online solutions (Chegg, etc.) may lead to sanctions and an academic integrity violation case being opened against you.
. - Any of these academic integrity violations will result in at least a letter grade reduction, and possibly stronger sanctions. It is not worth the risk for what each problem in the HWs is worth, and it will not help you learn the course material.
- Please keep these cautionary remarks in mind as you are working out your assignments and avoid submitting unsubstantiated solutions to avoid any misinterpretations.
- Solutions will be posted in Canvas 1 hour after the corresponding deadline.
- Regrades: You will receive an email from Gradescope so you can log in and see your graded homework. If after looking at the posted solutions, you feel there was an inaccuracy in the grading of your homework, you can request a regrade within Gradescope itself.
Make sure you submit regrade requests withih a week of when your graded homework is made available via Gradescope. Regrades will not be accepted after that date.
DRES: Students with documented disabilities must notify the instructor by June 13.
There will be weekly quizzes on Wednesdays and there will be a final exam on Saturday, August 3, 10.30am-12.30pm CDT. NOTE: there will be no conflict exam.
You will have the option of taking the quizzes during lecture time, 3pm CDT, or at 8pm CDT, but you have to make a decision by the end of the first week of lectures (June 16). Please complete this form to indicate your preference (if you do not complete the form, we will assume you will take the quizzes at 3pm).
Your worst quiz grade will be dropped in order to account for sickness, travel, etc.
Quiz and exam dates:
Quiz 1: June 19, 3pm CDT, or at 8pm CDT.
Coverage: Chapter 1
Quiz 2: June 26, 3pm CDT, or at 8pm CDT.
Coverage: mainly topics listed in HWs 2 and 3.
Quiz 3: July 3, 3pm CDT, or at 8pm CDT.
Coverage: mainly topics listed in HWs 4 and 5.
Quiz 4: July 10, 3pm CDT, or at 8pm CDT.
Coverage: mainly topics listed in HWs 6 and 7.
Quiz 5: July 17, 3pm CDT, or at 8pm CDT.
Coverage: mainly topics listed in HWs 8 and 9.
Quiz 6: July 24, 3pm CDT, or at 8pm CDT.
Coverage: mainly topics listed in HW 10 and 11.
Quiz 7: July 31, 3pm CDT, or at 8pm CDT.
Coverage: mainly topics listed in HW 12.
Final Exam: Saturday, August 3, 10.30am-12.30pm. No other time allowed.
Coverage: topics listed in HWs 1-14.
If you miss a quiz, it will count as a zero, no matter the reason. In order to account for sickness, travel, etc., we will drop your worst quiz grade. No make-up quizzes will be granted.
There will be no conflict exam. If for some reason of emergency such as severe illness you are not able to take the final exam at the required time, you will need to contact the Office of the Dean of Students and request Incomplete grade.
DRES: Students with documented disabilities must notify the instructor by June 16.
Online quiz/exam instructions:
- Proctoring:
- You will need two devices with internet capability, one for you to look at the quiz/exam pdf on Gradescope and another one that will connect to Zoom so the proctor can monitor you.
- The proctor will also need to be able to see the screen of the device where you will look at the pdf. Here is CBTF's camera positioning handout, so please look at it and make sure you can position your camera correctly (you might need to prop it with something) so we can see your workspace, your computer and your hands and face.
- You will have to make sure that the device you will use for Zoom has the camera, microphone and speakers working so you can receive instructions before and during the quiz/exam, and so we can hear your surroundings during the quiz/exam.
- Please identify an appropriate place for you to take the quiz/exam, which should be quiet because you will have your microphone on so we can monitor the audio around you. When you join the Zoom session you will be asked to allow the host to unmute you and you must allow it.
- Failure to comply with these rules will cause you to receive a zero in the quiz/exam.
- Quiz access: The quizzes will be made available in Gradescope when the quiz time starts (3pm or 8pm).
You are not allowed to access the quiz if you are not in the Zoom proctoring session. If you access the quiz without being in the Zoom proctoring session, we will not accept your quiz and you will receive a zero. - No collaboration allowed: You are not allowed to share or collaborate on this exam and all work should be your own; otherwise, an Academic Integrity report will be filed against you and a sanction of at least a letter grade reduction in the course.
- Allowed materials: no resources (notes, slides, etc.) are allowed; otherwise, an Academic Integrity report will be filed against you and a sanction of at least a letter grade reduction in the course.
- Calculations: Calculators and other electronic ways to do calculations, like Wolfram alpha, are not allowed and neither is searching online; otherwise, an Academic Integrity report will be filed against you and a sanction of at least a letter grade reduction in the course.
- Solving the quiz/exam: you must solve the quiz/exam on blank sheets of paper. Tablets are not allowed for writing and you may not print the quiz/exam; otherwise, an Academic Integrity report will be filed against you and a sanction of at least a letter grade reduction in the course.
You must include ALL your work in your upload to get credit and to avoid an Academic Integrity report being filed against you and a sanction of at least a letter grade reduction in the course.
You do not need to write down the questions in your sheets of paper for upload, only your solutions. - Solution uploads: you will have 5 minutes to upload your solutions to Gradescope once the quiz/exam time is over or once you finish, whichever occurs first. You will be deducted 25% per extra minute after that.
- Make sure that your scans are legible and that you correctly assign each solution to its question, or you will be deducted at least 5% of the corresponding problem part.
- Students reported issues with some free scanning apps, so below we have instructions for scanning with two different free apps that work very well.
- Gradescope now has a mobile app to make it easier to upload.
- Instructions on how to scan the pdf of the solutions in Android are here.
- Instructions on how to scan the pdf of the solutions in MacOS are here.
- You MUST remain in the proctoring session until you are finished uploading. We will not accept your quiz/exam if you leave the proctoring session before finishing your submission to Gradescope, and you will get a zero in the quiz/exam.
- There is no need to email yourself the pdf of your solutions, you can upload directly from your phone, so try it out before the quiz/exam to save time.
- Gradescope will timestamp when the document is uploaded, so you can then take some additional time assigning your answers to the questions, like you do in your HW.
- Internet disconnects: if you get disconnected from the Zoom session, your quiz will not be accepted and you will receive a zero. We will drop your worst quiz in order to account for this.
- An Academic Integrity report will be filed against you and a sanction of at least a letter grade reduction in the course for unauthorized actions.
Old exams: You can find copies of old exams here.
Summary of office hours times, from June 11 to August 1, except June 19 and July 4.
Zoom link for all office hours is in Canvas.
Hours | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday except June 19 |
Thursday except July 4 |
Friday |
11-12pm | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom |
6-7pm | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom |
7-8pm | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom |
8-9pm | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom | Zoom |
Communication: It is the student's responsibility to attend lectures or watch the recordings, as well as check their email daily, in case there are announcements from course staff. Missing a lecture and/or not checking your email will not excuse complying with course deadlines and policies.
Please post your questions on the discussion board, Campuswire, instead of emailing the instructors or TAs directly because it is very likely that you're not the only one of enrolled in the course that has that same question. This way, others can take advantage of the responses to your questions, and other students might be able to assist you sooner.
It is strongly recommended to read the notes before each lecture. The slides indicate the section order.
Content from notes:
- Chapter 1: Foundations
- 1.1 Embracing uncertainty
- 1.2 Axioms of probability
- 1.3 Calculating the size of various sets
- 1.4 Probability experiments with equally likely outcomes
- 1.5 (Skip) Sample spaces with infinite cardinality
- Chapter 1:Discrete-type random variables
- 2.1 Random variables and probability mass functions
- 2.2 The mean and variance of a random variable
- 2.3 Conditional probabilities
- 2.4 Independence and the binomial distribution
- 2.4.1 Mutually independent events
- 2.4.2 Independent random variables (of discrete-type)
- 2.4.3 Bernoulli distribution
- 2.4.4 Binomial distribution
- 2.5 Geometric distribution
- 2.6 (Skip partly) Bernoulli process and the negative binomial distribution
- 2.7 The Poisson distribution
- 2.8 Maximum likelihood parameter estimation
- 2.9 (Skip) Markov and Chebychev inequalities and confidence intervals
- 2.10 The law of total probability, and Bayes formula
- 2.11 Binary hypothesis testing with discrete-type observations
- 2.11.1 Maximum likelihood (ML) decision rule
- 2.11.2 Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decision rule
- 2.12 Reliability
- 2.12.1 Union bound
- 2.12.2 Network outage probability
- 2.12.3 Distribution of the capacity of a flow network
- 2.12.4 (Skip) Analysis of an array code
- 2.12.5 Reliability of a single backup
- Chapter 3: Continuous-type random variables
- 3.1 Cumulative distribution functions
- 3.2 Continuous-type random variables
- 3.3 Uniform distribution
- 3.4 Exponential distribution
- 3.5 (Skip) Poisson processes
- 3.5.1 (Skip) Time-scaled Bernoulli processes
- 3.5.2 (Skip) Definition and properties of Poisson processes
- 3.5.3 (Skip) The Erlang distribution
- 3.6 Linear scaling of pdfs and the Gaussian distribution
- 3.6.1 Scaling rule for pdfs
- 3.6.2 The Gaussian (normal) distribution
- 3.6.3 The central limit theorem and the Gaussian approximation
- 3.7 ML parameter estimation for continuous-type variables
- 3.8 Functions of a random variable
- 3.8.1 The distribution of a function of a random variable
- 3.8.2 Generating a random variable with a specified distribution
- 3.8.3 (Skip) The area rule for expectation based on the CDF
- 3.9 (Skip) Failure rate functions
- 3.10 Binary hypothesis testing with continuous-type observations
- Chapter 4: 4 Jointly Distributed Random Variables
- 4.1 (Skip) Joint cumulative distribution functions
- 4.2 Joint probability mass functions
- 4.3 Joint probability density functions
- 4.4 Independence of random variables
- 4.4.1 Definition of independence for two random variables
- 4.4.2 Determining from a pdf whether independence holds
- 4.5 Distribution of sums of random variables
- 4.5.1 Sums of integer-valued random variables
- 4.5.2 Sums of jointly continuous-type random variables
- 4.6 Additional examples using joint distributions
- 4.7 (Skip) Joint pdfs of functions of random variables
- 4.7.1 (Skip) Transformation of pdfs under a linear mapping
- 4.7.2 (Skip) Transformation of pdfs under a one-to-one mapping
- 4.7.3 (Skip) Transformation of pdfs under a many-to-one mapping
- 4.8 Correlation and covariance
- 4.9 Minimum mean square error estimation
- 4.9.1 Constant estimators
- 4.9.2 Unconstrained estimators
- 4.9.3 Linear estimators
- 4.10 Law of large numbers and central limit theorem
- 4.10.1 Law of large numbers
- 4.10.2 Central limit theorem
- 4.11 Joint Gaussian distribution
- 4.11.1 From the standard 2-d normal to the general
- 4.11.2 Key properties of the bivariate normal distribution
You will be expected to read the course notes in preparation for lectures. The table below indicates the tentative schedule for the topics.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
June 10
1.1 Embracing uncertainty1.2 Axioms of probability |
June 11
1.2 Axioms of probability |
June 12
1.3 Calculating the size of various sets |
June 13
1.3 Calculating the size of various sets1.4 Probability experiments with equally likely outcomes |
June 14
1.4 Probability experiments with equally likely outcomes2.1 Random variables and probability mass functions |
June 17
2.1 Random variables and probability mass functions |
June 18
2.2 The mean and variance of a random variable
June 19
Juneteenth NO CLASS |
June 20
2.3 Conditional probabilities2.4 Independence and the binomial distribution |
June 21
2.4.1 Mutually independent events2.4.2 Independent random variables (of discrete-type) 2.4.3 Bernoulli distribution 2.4.4 Binomial distribution |
June 24
2.5 Geometric distribution2.6 Negative binomial distribution (only) |
June 25
2.7 The Poisson distribution2.8 Maximum likelihood parameter estimation 2.10 The law of total probability, and Bayes formula |
June 26
June 27
2.11 Binary hypothesis testing with discrete-type observations2.11.1 Maximum likelihood (ML) decision rule 2.11.2 Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decision rule |
June 28
2.11 Binary hypothesis testing with discrete-type observations2.11.1 Maximum likelihood (ML) decision rule 2.11.2 Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decision rule |
July 1
2.12 Reliability2.12.1 Union bound 2.12.2 Network outage probability |
July 2
2.12.3 Distribution of the capacity of a flow network2.12.5 Reliability of a single backup 3.1 Cumulative distribution functions |
July 3
July 4
Independence day NO CLASS |
July 5
3.1 Cumulative distribution functions3.2 Continuous-type random variables |
July 8
3.2 Continuous-type random variables3.4 Exponential distribution 3.3 Uniform distribution 3.6 Linear scaling of pdfs and the Gaussian distribution 3.6.1 Scaling rule for pdfs |
July 8
3.6.2 The Gaussian (normal) distribution3.6.3 The central limit theorem and the Gaussian approximation |
July 10
July 11
3.7 ML parameter estimation for continuous-type variables3.10 Binary hypothesis testing with continuous-type observations |
July 12
3.8 Functions of a random variable3.8.1 The distribution of a function of a random variable 3.8.2 Generating a random variable with a specified distribution |
July 15
4.3 Joint probability density functions4.2 Joint probability mass functions |
July 16
4.4 Independence of random variables4.4.1 Definition of independence for two random variables 4.4.2 Determining from a pdf whether independence holds |
July 17
July 18
4.5 Distribution of sums of random variables4.5.1 Sums of integer-valued random variables 4.5.2 Sums of jointly continuous-type random variables 4.6 Additional examples using joint distributions |
July 19
4.6 Additional examples using joint distributions4.8 Correlation and covariance |
July 22
4.8 Correlation and covariance4.9 Minimum mean square error estimation 4.9.1 Constant estimators |
July 23
4.9 Minimum mean square error estimation4.9.1 Constant estimators 4.9.3 Linear estimators 4.9.2 Unconstrained estimators |
July 24
July 25
4.9 Minimum mean square error estimation4.9.1 Constant estimators 4.9.3 Linear estimators 4.9.2 Unconstrained estimators |
July 26
4.10 Law of large numbers and central limit theorem4.10.1 Law of large numbers 4.10.2 Central limit theorem 4.11 Joint Gaussian distribution |
July 29
4.11 Joint Gaussian distribution4.11.1 From the standard 2-d normal to the general 4.11.2 Key properties of the bivariate normal distribution |
July 30
4.11 Joint Gaussian distribution4.11.1 From the standard 2-d normal to the general 4.11.2 Key properties of the bivariate normal distribution |
July 31
August 1
Reading day NO CLASS |
August 1
Back to top
- Additional references/notes
- Registration deadlines, add/drop course deadlines, advising schedules, and finals
- Academic integrity
- Inclusivity
- Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES)
- Sexual misconduct
- Support Resources and Supporting Fellow Students in Distress
- Run, hide, fight
- Other campus resources
There will recordings that will be available for students with excused absences. If you have an excused absence or you are feeling sick, please contact Prof. Alvarez at least one hour before the lecture you will miss. If it is due to an excused absence, please also provide the corresponding documentation.
Here are the Univeristy's policies if you test positive for COVID.
Here is the information for quarantine and isolation.
Academic integrity
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Student Code should is very important for you to know.
Students should pay particular attention to Article 1, Part 4: Academic Integrity. Academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade. Every student is expected to review and abide by the Academic Integrity Policy. Ignorance is not an excuse for any academic dishonesty. It is your responsibility to read this policy to avoid any misunderstanding. Do not hesitate to ask the instructor(s) if you are ever in doubt about what constitutes plagiarism, cheating, or any other breach of academic integrity.
The effectiveness of this course is dependent upon the creation of an encouraging and safe classroom environment. Exclusionary, offensive or harmful speech (such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.) will not be tolerated and in some cases subject to University harassment procedures. We are all responsible for creating a positive and safe environment that allows all students equal respect and comfort. I expect each of you to help establish and maintain and environment where you and your peers can contribute without fear of ridicule or intolerant or offensive language.
Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES)
Students with documented disabilities must notify the instructor within the first 7 days of classes.
To obtain disability-related academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities must contact the course instructor and the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) as soon as possible.
To contact DRES, you may visit 1207 S. Oak St., Champaign, call 333-4603, e-mail disability@illinois.edu or go to the DRES website.
If you are concerned you have a disability-related condition that is impacting your academic progress, there are academic screening appointments available on campus that can help diagnosis a previously undiagnosed disability by visiting the DRES website and selecting “Sign-Up for an Academic Screening� at the bottom of the page.
Any student who has suppressed their directory information pursuant to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) should self-identify to the instructor to ensure protection of the privacy of their attendance in this course. Click here for more information on FERPA.
Sexual misconduct
The University of Illinois is committed to combating sexual misconduct. Faculty and staff members are required to report any instances of sexual misconduct to the University’s Title IX and Disability Office. In turn, an individual with the Title IX and Disability Office will provide information about rights and options, including accommodations, support services, the campus disciplinary process, and law enforcement options. A list of the designated University employees who, as counselors, confidential advisors, and medical professionals, do not have this reporting responsibility and can maintain confidentiality, can be found here. Other information about resources and reporting is available here.
Support Resources and Supporting Fellow Students in Distress
As members of the Illinois community, we each have a responsibility to express care and concern for one another. If you come across a classmate whose behavior concerns you, whether in regards to their well-being or yours, we encourage you to refer this behavior to the Student Assistance Center (1-217-333-0050) or online. Based upon your report, staff in the Student Assistance Center reaches out to students to make sure they have the support they need to be healthy and safe. Further, as a Community of Care, we want to support you in your overall wellness. We know that students sometimes face challenges that can impact academic performance (examples include mental health concerns, food insecurity, homelessness, personal emergencies). Should you find that you are managing such a challenge and that it is interfering with your coursework, you are encouraged to contact the Student Assistance Center (SAC)in the Office of the Dean of Students for support and referrals to campus and/or community resources. The SAC has a Dean on Duty available to see students who walk in, call, or email the office during business hours. For mental health emergencies, you can call 911 or contact the Counseling Center.
Run, hide, fight.
Emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. It is important that we take a minute to prepare for a situation in which our safety or even our lives could depend on our ability to react quickly. When we’re faced with almost any kind of emergency – like severe weather or if someone is trying to hurt you – we have three options: Run, hide or fight.
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Run Leaving the area quickly is the best option if it is safe to do so.
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Hide When you can’t or don’t want to run, take shelter indoors.
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Fight As a last resort, you may need to fight to increase your chances of survival.
Please be aware of people with disabilities who may need additional assistance in emergency situations
Other resources
- police.illinois.edu/safe for more information on how to prepare for emergencies, including how to run, hide or fight and building floor plans that can show you safe areas.
- emergency.illinois.edu to sign up for Illini-Alert text messages.
- Follow the University of Illinois Police Department on Twitter and Facebook to get regular updates about campus safety.