
Fall 2020

Assigned reading and homework problems

The material for the semester is divided into 12 checkpoints, or sets of topics, with one covered per week (an exception is that two weeks are given for the first checkpoint and for a checkpoint around the time of the second midterm). Correspondingly there are 12 weekly quizzes . Assigned reading from the course notes, and homework problems from the course notes, are indicated for each checkpoint in the concept matrix on the course home page. We recommend you study the assigned reading, including the examples. Then work out the homework problems. Answers are in the back of the notes, and also short videos with links from the notes are available for all short answer questions, and solutions to the problems are in the back of the notes. You are encouraged to check your answers only after solving the problems, or if you get stuck after putting a considerable effort in to solve the problems. It is the most efficient way to learn how to use the theory of probability for engineering applications. The quizzes are very similar to the homework problems. Shortly before each midterm and before the final exam, you might also find it useful to work out problems from exams from previous semesters and to attend the review sessions.

Guided study sessions (TBD -- to be updated)

This semester we are offering weekly study sessions guided by an instructor or TA, limited to at most ten students each. The sessions are in Room 5034 ECEB and you sign up with this Google form. The signup is voluntary but we do expect your attendance and participation regularly if you do sign up for a slot. More than one missed attendance will deduct one point from your final grade and prevent you from signing up for the remainder of the semester. You can remove yourself from the timeslot at any time before 7pm on Wednesday of the corresponding week. You can also signup for a timeslot (if there are spots available) at any time before 9am on Thursday of the corresponding week. Once you sign up for a slot, it will be assumed that you will attend that slot from then on, so please remember to unregister if you will no longer attend.