Course Websites

CS 598 JH - Text Mining: A New Paradigm

Last offered Fall 2022

Official Description

Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in computer science intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.

Section Description

This course is on text mining, with a focus on principles and methods for mining structured knowledge from massive unstructured text. It will cover the following topics: ? Representation learning for text mining ? Unsupervised and weakly supervised text embedding and topic discovery ? Phrase mining, parsing and fine-grained information extraction ? Taxonomy construction, expansion, and enhancement ? Text classifications, text summarization, and multi-dimensional text analysis ? Text-rich information networks and knowledge graphs

Related Faculty

Text Mining: A New ParadigmJH70878L141230 - 1345 T R  0216 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Jiawei Han