Spring 2025: Geometric Approximation Algorithms

Lectures : HWs : EdStem [Join] : Gradescope [Join].


Monday/Wednesday: 2-3:15PM / SC 1214 / Sariel Har-Peled / /
Course explorer: link


The course would cover geometric approximation algorithms both in low dimensions and high dimensions. See my book (I would make relevant chapters available here). I plan to try and cover some other relevant material like geometric property testing, for fun.


Geometric approximation algorithms have the benefit of many beautiful techniques and ideas, that are more widely applicable and useful.


There would be lectures, there would be homeworks, hopefully no blood, and there would be a final project (hopefully involving some programming).
Last modified: Sun 2025-02-09 17:19:43 UTC 2025 by Sariel Har-Peled