Course Websites

CS 598 CSS - Computational Social Science

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in computer science intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.

Section Description

In this course, we will explore how social behaviors are mediated by computational systems. Focusing on a combination of sociological foundations and recent advances in computational social science, natural language processing, and human-centered AI, we will learn to apply computational techniques to answer social science questions. Through this course, students will read and critique high-impact research papers, lead and engage in class discussions, work on implementing new methods during in-class lab sessions, and execute a group research project for their final paper. Prerequisites for the Course: The assignments and activities (i.e., research labs, reading reflections, research project) in this course are specifically aimed at students interested in performing computational social science research. As a result, we expect students enrolled in this course to have a good grasp of python, statistics, and basic data manipulation/analysis. Restrictions: Restricted to Grad students. Und

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Schedule and Instructors

Computational Social ScienceCSS54730S1241530 - 1645 T R  3025 Campus Instructional Facility Koustuv Saha
Eshwar Chandrasekharan