CS 598: Deep Generative and Dynamical Models
Spring, 2023

Course Description

Recent years have seen considerable advances in generative models, which learn distributions from data and also generate new data instances from the learned distribution; and dynamical models, which model systems with a dynamical or temporal component. Both of these developments have been leveraging advances in deep learning. The course will cover key advances in generative and dynamical models, including variational auto-encoders, normalizing flows, generative adversarial networks, diffusion models, neural differential equations, learning operators, among other topics.

Basic Information:

Classes: Tue, Thu 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Location: Siebel 1302
Instructor: Arindam Banerjee, arindamb@illinois.edu
TA: Jiaqi Guan, jiaqi@illinois.edu
Office hours:
Course Syllabus Syllabus
Course Webpage: Canvas

Class Schedule

DateTopic+PapersSlidesScribe Notes
01. Tue, Jan 17 Course Overview
02. Thu, Jan 19 RBM 1: Energy Based Models, (Restricted) Boltzmann Machines (RBMs), Sigmoid Belief Networks Boltzmann Machines
03. Tue, Jan 24 RBM 2: Learning in (Restricted) Boltzmann Machines, Deep Boltzmann Machines, Contrastive Divergence Learning (R)BMs
04. Thu, Jan 26 Inf 1: Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Gibbs Sampling, Langevin Dynamics Sampling, Inference
05. Tue, Jan 31 Inf 2: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, Variational Inference (included above)
06. Thu, Feb 2 AR 1: Neural Autoregressive Models NADE, MADE
07. Tue, Feb 7 AR 2: PixelRNN/CNN, Quantiles PixelRNN, CNN
AR2 notes
08. Thu, Feb 9 AR 3: Transformers Transformers AR3 notes
09. Tue, Feb 14 VAE 1: Variational Autoencoders, Evidence Lower Bound, Importance Weighting VAE basics VAE1 notes 1

VAE1 notes 2
10. Thu, Feb 16 VAE 2: Improved Inference, Information Theoretic Perspective, Representation ELBO, Rate Distortion

Diagnosing VAEs
VAE2 notes 1

VAE2 notes 2
11. Tue, Feb 21 VAE 3: VQ VAE, Deep VAE VQ VAE, Deep VAE VAE3 notes 1

VAE3 notes 2
12. Thu, Feb 23 VAE 4: Disentanglement Disentanglement 1

Disentanglement 2
VAE4 notes 1

VAE4 notes 2
13. Tue, Feb 28 DiffM1: Score Matching, Diffusion Models Background, Early Development DiffM1 notes 1

DiffM1 notes 2
14. Thu, Mar 2 DiffM2: Score Matching, Diffusion Models Score Matching, Diffusion Models DiffM2 notes
15. Tue, Mar 7 DiffM3: Connections Connections DiffM3 notes
16. Thu, Mar 9 DiffM4: Convergence, Stable Diffusion Convergence, Stable Diffusion DiffM4 notes 1

DiffM4 notes 2
Tue, Mar 14 Spring Break
Thu, Mar 16 Spring Break
17. Tue, Mar 21 NF 1: Normalizing Flows Normalizing Flows NF1 notes
18. Thu, Mar 23 NF 2: Autoregressive Flows Autoregressive Flows NF 2 notes
19. Tue, Mar 28 NF 3: Improved, Neural, Residual Flows Improved Flows NF3 notes
20. Thu, Mar 30 GAN 1: Basics, Info-GAN, f-GAN Basics, Info-GAN

GAN1 notes

GAN2 notes
21. Tue, Apr 4 GAN 2: DC-GAN, Cycle-GAN, Style-GAN DC-GAN, Cycle-GAN

GAN2 notes
22. Tue, Apr 6 GAN 3: Wasserstein GANs WGAN 1

GAN3 notes
23. Thu, Apr 11 GAN 4: Optimization GAN Optimization GAN4 notes
24. Thu, Apr 13 NODE 1: Neural Ordinary Differential Equations 1 Neural ODE NODE1 notes
25. Tue, Apr 18 NODE 2: Neural Ordinary Differential Equations 2 Augmented ODE NODE2 notes
26. Thu, Apr 20 LOP 1: Deep Operator Networks PINNs

LOP1 notes
27. Tue, Apr 25 LOP 2: Fourier Neural Operators FNOs

FNO theory
LOP2 notes
28. Thu, Apr 27
PP 1: Project Presentations 1

29. Tue, May 2
PP 2: Project Presentations 2