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CS 591 LRS - Improving Your Research Skills

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Seminar on topics of current interest as announced in the Class Schedule. Course Information: Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary. Prerequisite: As specified for each topic offering, see Class Schedule or departmental course description.

Section Description

Improve your research skills investigates five important research topics 1) Building a Synergistic Team, 2) Picking the Right Area for Yourself, 3) Research Methods, 4) Writing Papers, and 5) Presentation Method. For example, here is the lecture on writing papers and a team?s own presentation on writing papers. To learn more about R&D skills development, please visit my class website. Class Website:

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Schedule and Instructors

Improving Your Research SkillsLRS58740S1231230 - 1345 T R  0018 Campus Instructional Facility  Lui Sha