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CS 546 - Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Advanced topics in natural language processing, ranging from general techniques such as deep learning for NLP to specific topics such as information extraction, knowledge acquisition, dialogue systems, language grounding, and natural language generation. Review of classic as well as state-of-the-art techniques and remaining challenges, and exploration of recent proposals for meeting these challenges. Intended for graduate students doing research in natural language processing. Course Information: 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. May be repeated in separate terms up to 16 hours, if topics vary. Credit towards a degree from multiple offerings of this course is not given if those offerings have significant overlap, as determined by the CS department. Prerequisite: CS 447 and one of CS 446 or ECE 449, or equivalent background.

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Adv Topics in NLPATN74740LCD41530 - 1645 W F  151 Loomis Laboratory Heng Ji