CS 473 (Spring 2025)



Timothy Chan (tmc "at" illinois.edu)


Zhengcheng Huang (zh3), Shubhang Kulkarni (smkulka2)


Ved Kommalapati (vkomm4), Dhiraj Kuttichirayil (dhiraj2), Jake Mayer (jmmayer3), Letian Zhang (letianz4)

Lecture Time/Place

Wed & Fri 12:30pm-1:45pm, DCL 1310

Office Hours

All office hours are held in the open study space in the basement of Siebel. Check EdStem for the latest updates to the office hours.




About the Course

CS 473 (also cross-listed as Math 473 and CSE 414) is an algorithms course aimed at advanced undergraduates and graduate students in computer science and related disciplines. The course covers a wide range of topics in algorithm design and analysis, including the following:

Prerequisites: CS/ECE 374 or equivalent, or graduate standing (see things you should already know)


Although lectures will be recorded, it is expected that students will attend most of the lectures. Recordings may be accessed on mediaspace for registered students. I will provide scribbles from class, and some links to relevant resources, below. There is no textbook, but Jeff's book and notes are excellent. (Other useful general resources can be found here.)