Course Websites
CS 466 - Introduction to Bioinformatics
Last offered Fall 2024
Official Description
Related Faculty
Course Director
Jones and Pevzner, An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorihms.
Learning Goals
work out optimal sequence alignment problems on toy sequences, and implement a program to do the same on modest sequence lengths. (1)
list the main challenges in genome assembly and explain high level algorithms used to solve them (1)
understand how statistical methods and HMMs in particular apply to gene finding, and implement the Viterbi algorithm for a simple HMM (1)
use online tools for gene set enrichment analyses and interpret results (1)
implement a “motif finding” method to find transcription factor binding sites in gene promoters (1) (2) (5)
perform hierarchical clustering on toy data sets manually, and on gene expression data sets (1)
build a maximum parsimony evolutionary tree for given sequences and a tree topology (1)
understand what is meant by RNA secondary structures and outline a dynamic programming algorithm for finding the structure with most base pairs or with least energy (1)
Topic List
Basics of statistics and molecular biology
Sequence alignment using dynamic programming, pattern matching, BLAST
Genome sequencing and assembly
Gene finding with statistical approaches and HMM
Statistical testing and gene set analysis.
Motif finding and regulatory genomics
Clustering of microarray data
Gene classification from high throughput measurements
RNA secondary structure
Assessment and Revisions
Revisions in last 6 years | Approximately when revision was done | Reason for revision |
Changed textbook | Spring 2011 | Previous textbook lacked statistical aspects |
Introduced mini project (implementation based) | Spring 2011 | This was expected to increase the focus on programming aspects of the subject |
Required, Elective, or Selected Elective
Selected Elective.
Schedule and Instructors
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Introduction to Bioinformatics | B3 | 51764 | LCD | 3 | 1400 - 1520 | W F | 151 Loomis Laboratory | Mohammed El-Kebir |
Introduction to Bioinformatics | B4 | 51765 | LCD | 3 | 1400 - 1520 | W F | 151 Loomis Laboratory | Mohammed El-Kebir |