This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.

OBJ file format (also called Wavefront .obj) is a simple format to represent 3D objects. Geometry is represented by vertices (V), faces (F), texture coordinates, normals, etc. For a bit more information on OBJ format you can look here.

1 Line-based file

The OBJ format is a line-based text format. Each line is either blank (ignore blank lines) or consists of several space-separated tokens. The first token is an indicator of what kind of line it is.

Number in OBJ are stored in any format most programming languages can handle, such as -2, 3.45, or 7.8849e-05. In Javascript, these can be parsed using the built-in Number function.

1.1 Line types

A # line is a comment; ignore it. Also ignore any lines that begin with a character we haven’t documented here.

A v line is a vertex. After the v come 3 numbers giving the position, optionally followed by 3 more giving the vertex color.

A vn line is a normal. After the vn come three numbers giving the normal direction.

A vt line is a texture coordinate. After the vt come two numbers giving the coordinate.

An f line is a face. After it comes three or more index specifiers. If there are more than 3, the triangles are the first and each pair of adjacent others

f 2 3 5 7 11 defines 3 triangles: f 2 3 5, f 2 5 7, and f 2 7 11

An index specifier in general has three integers separated by slashes.

  1. The first integer tells which v line the position (and color) come from: this is a 1-based index (not 0-based like WebGL wants) from the beginning of the file, so 2 refers to the second v line.
  2. The second integer tells which vt line the texture coordinate comes from, again with 1-based indexing.
  3. The third integer tells which vn line the normal comes from, again with 1-based indexing.

The second and third integers may be omitted if the file doesn’t have vt or vn lines, and trailing slashes may be removed; 1// will usually be stored as just 1, 1/1/ as 1/1, and 1//1 as itself.

f lines always come after the v, vt, and vn lines they reference.

2 From OBJ to VAO

The vertex array objects we’ve been using (option 1 from the geometry page) are similar to OBJ: they have arrays of per-vertex values and an array of indices making up faces.

2.1 Just v and f

In the absence of vn and vt, we can convert one to the other directly: convert the v lines directly into the arrays of per-vertex values, split the f lines into triangles, subtract 1 from all f indices, and make the result our index buffer.

2.2 Also vn and/or vt

With vn and vt things are less straightforward because OBJ lets each attribute has its own indexes. Broadly speaking, we have two options:

2.2.1 No indices

  1. Load the v, vt, and vn lines into separate temporary arrays
  2. For each f, look up the indices in the temporary arrays and push the resulting values into data buffers
  3. Use drawArrays instead of drawElements on the resulting data buffers (option 2 from the geometry page)

Given this OBJ

v 1 1 0
v -1 1 0
v -1 -1 0
v 1 -1 0
vn 0 0 1
f 1//1 2//1 3//1
f 1//1 3//1 4//1

we’d make

position buffer
[1,1,0, -1,1,0, -1,-1,0, 1,1,0, -1,-1,0, 1,-1,0]
normal buffer
[0,0,1, 0,0,1, 0,0,1, 0,0,1, 0,0,1, 0,0,1]

and then call drawArrays

2.2.2 Make new indices

  1. Load the v, vt, and vn lines into separate temporary arrays
  2. Make a map from f index value to new corrected index number
  3. For each index value of each f
    • If we’ve seen the index value before, use the corrected index number
    • Otherwise, add its looked-up attributes into the data buffers and add a new entry into the corrected index number map

Given this OBJ

v 1 1 0
v -1 1 0
v -1 -1 0
v 1 -1 0
vn 0 0 1
f 1//1 2//1 3//1
f 1//1 3//1 4//1

we’d make

position buffer
[1,1,0, -1,1,0, -1,-1,0, 1,-1,0]
normal buffer
[0,0,1, 0,0,1, 0,0,1, 0,0,1]
index buffer
[0,1,2, 0,2,3]
corrected index mapping
{"1//1":0, "2//1":1, "3//1":2, "4//1":3}

and then call drawElements

3 Scale, centering, and orientation

OBJ files contain coordinates with no units and axes with no defined interpretation.

3.1 Orientation

It is common to find OBJ where

  • +z is up and +y is forward
  • +y is up and -z is forward
  • +y is up and +z is forward

Other orientations are also possible.

There is no easy way to tell what orientation a given file has. Typically it requires a user to look at the data rendered in one orientation and say that’s not right.

3.2 Scaling

OBJ files have no notion of absolute scale. Files created for 3D printing often use 1 unit = 1 millimeter, those created for architectural visualization often use 1 unit = 1 meter, and most other uses don’t have dominant patterns. It is common to find 1000-fold differences in intended scale between different OBJ files.

Fortunately you can re-scale data automatically: find the maximum separation of points s in the data and then multiply every point by t/s where t is your desired maximum separation.

3.3 Centering

Vertex positions may be any number, and there is not requirement they be centered around any particular point. It is relatively common to find

  • All coordinates positive, putting the model in the first octant
  • The up coordinate positive, the other two centered around 0
  • All three coordinates centered around 0

But sometimes you’ll also find files where the data is centered very far from the origin.

Fortunately you can re-center data automatically: find the average point p in the data and then add c-p to every point, where c is your desired center location.