This page does not represent the most current semester of this course; it is present merely as an archive.

At an absolute minimum, the GPU must be told

  1. What GPU program to use
  2. How many vertices there are
  3. How the vertices are combined into primitives

1 GPU Program

A program consists of a vertex shader and a fragment shader.

1.1 Vertex Shader

A vertex shader has access to

  • Any inputs we sent the GPU
  • int gl_VertexID: a 0-based index of the current vertex within the set of vertices created by the current drawing command
  • int gl_InstanceID: a 0-based index that is always 0 unless we use one of the special instanced drawing commands

The vertex shader may set the following outputs:

  • vec4 gl_Position: The homogeneous coordinate to use for rasterizing this vertex
  • float gl_PointSize: Only used for point primitives, the pixel width of the square to draw around this vertex
  • Any out variables we define

An example using only built-in components might be

#version 300 es
void main() {
  gl_Position = vec4(sin(float(gl_VertexID)),

Most functions and operators in GLSL do not convert integers to floating-point numbers automatically. If you tried sin(gl_VertexID) you’d get the error message

ERROR: 0:3: 'sin' : no matching overloaded function found

One of the few exceptions are the vector and matrix creation functions like vec4, which is why we could write 0 instead of 0.0 as an argument to vec4.

1.2 Fragment Shader

A fragment shader has access to

  • the interpolated value of any outputs of the vertex shader
  • vec4 gl_FragCoord, with window-space coordinates (x,y,z,\frac{1}{w})
  • bool gl_FrontFacing, true for all lines and points, determined by handedness of triangles
  • vec2 gl_PointCoord, only set for points if point sprites are enabled: where in the point this fragment is located; both gl_PointCoord.x and gl_PointCoord.y range from 0 to 1

The fragment shader may set the following outputs:

  • float gl_FragDepth, which will be clamped to the 0–1 range; defaults to gl_FragCoord.z if not set
  • one out vec4 color output per layer (most programs have just one layer1)

Fragment shaders also have a special keyword discard which, if executed, terminates processing for the current fragment and does not render the fragment.

An example using only built-in components and the required output might be

#version 300 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 anyNameYouWant;
void main() {
    anyNameYouWant = vec4(1, 0, 0.5, 1);

GLSL offers three qualitative levels of precision for floating-point numbers (lowp, mediump, and highp), and requires the fragment shader to pick one.

1.3 Compiling, Linking, and Loading

1.3.1 Compiling

Each shader needs to be compiled in the browser that will use it before use. Like all compilation, compiling will

  • Checks for syntax and type errors in the source
  • Create an executable binary format that can be run

Because the compilation happens in the browser on every page load, compiling will also

  • Verify the shader uses only features the GPU can use
  • Compile to a binary format specific to the host hardware

You cannot save the result of compilation as a file. Instead, compilation returns an opaque Javascript object you can use to refer to the compiled shader within the given browser session only.

Compiling in WebGL is performed four parts:

  1. Allocate a shader object to hold the compiled results

    let shader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER)


    let shader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
  2. Assign GLSL source code to the shader object

    gl.shaderSource(shader, sourceCode)
  3. Compile the source code

  4. Check for any compilation errors

    if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
        throw Error("Shader compilation failed")

1.3.2 Linking

A fragment and vertex shader needs to be linked into a program. Linking verifies that the fragment shader inputs are matched by vertex shader outputs.

Linking in WebGL is performed in four parts:

  1. Allocate a program object to hold the linked results

    let program = gl.createProgram()
  2. Tell it which shaders to use

    gl.attachShader(program, compiledVertexShader)
    gl.attachShader(program, compiledFragmentShader)
  3. Link

  4. Check for any linking errors

    if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
        throw Error("Linking failed")

You may discard shaders after they are linked into a program.

If you plan to have several programs that share the same vertex shader with different fragment shaders (or vice versa) you should use the same compiled shader object for them all to avoid having duplicates of the code in the GPU.

1.3.3 Loading

A linked shader program must be loaded as the active program before use. This is done with a single invocation:


You may have as many linked shader programs as you wish: swapping between them can create different visual effects with the same source data. Only one program can be active at a time—loading one unloads whatever was loaded before.

Note that linking a program does not automatically load the program.

If your WebGL app only has one GLSL program, you can discard the linked program after calling useProgram. You may also keep programs around so that you can swap programs to get different visual effects.

Compiling and linking are relatively resource-intensive, and are generally done only during the setup stage of an app. Loading much less expensive and can be done several times every frame if desired.

2 HTML and Javascript

WebGL is used to render parts of a webpage, to be viewed in a web browser. Thus, to use it we need to embed it in a webpage.

Browsers expect web pages to be defined in HTML, optionally styled with CSS, and to have code written in Javascript.

2.1 HTML

You should use HTML5, indicated by starting your HTML file with <!DOCTYPE html>.

Every valid HTML document needs an outer html element containing (1) a head containing a title and (2) a body. WebGL renders into a canvas in the body, which should be given a width and height (measured in pixels).

We’ll also need a script to store Javascript in. Technically that can go anywhere, but it is traditional to put it in the head.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Minimal HTML to support WebGL</title>
// to do: add Javascript here
<canvas width="300" height="300"></canvas>

Serving your HTML page

Your browser can open HTML pages on your hard drive by using the file:// scheme. But there’s a security risk inherent in that, so many features of HTML are disabled if served as a file://. For this minimal example it won’t matter, but for most WebGL programs you’ll need to run a local webserver in order to successfully view your WebGL program on your computer.

2.2 Javascript

2.2.1 Code structure

Javascript may begin running before your webpage is fully loaded. In particular, that means that the canvas element might not yet exist, and thus that we might not be able to do any WebGL processing up front.

It is thus traditional to have the script define global variables functions, and tell the browser to run any WebGL-specific initialization after the entire page loads.

function compileAndLinkGLSL() {
    // to do: write me
function draw() {
    // to do: write me
window.addEventListener('load',(event)=>{ = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext('webgl2')

Note that the window. prefix on an the gl assignment makes the gl variable global.

2.2.2 Setup

To compileAndLinkGLSL we’ll need our shader code as strings; there are many ways to do this but one way is to use backtick-delimited strings.

function compileAndLinkGLSL() {
    const vs_source = `#version 300 es
    void main() {
      gl_Position = vec4(sin(float(gl_VertexID)),

    const fs_source = `#version 300 es
    precision highp float;
    out vec4 anyNameYouWant;
    void main() {
        anyNameYouWant = vec4(1, 0, 0.5, 1);
    // ...

and then the compiling and linking code from above:

    // ...

    let vs = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER)
    gl.shaderSource(vs, vs_source)
    if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
        throw Error("Vertex shader compilation failed")

    let fs = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
    gl.shaderSource(fs, fs_source)
    if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
        throw Error("Fragment shader compilation failed")

    window.program = gl.createProgram()
    gl.attachShader(program, vs)
    gl.attachShader(program, fs)
    if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
        throw Error("Linking failed")

Note the use of window.program to make the program global. We don’t technically need to do that here, but it is good practice for when we later have multiple GLSL programs in one WebGL application.

2.2.3 Drawing a frame

To draw we tell WebGL which program to use and what data to use when drawing. For this simple example, the only data it needs is how many vertices to process and which kind of primitive to use in connecting them:

function draw() {
    const connection = gl.LINES // or gl.TRIANGLES or gl.POINTS
    const offset = 0            // unused here, but required
    const count = 12            // number of vertices to draw
    gl.drawArrays(gl.LINES, offset, count)

3 Full example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Minimal HTML to support WebGL</title>
function compileAndLinkGLSL() {
    const vs_source = `#version 300 es
    void main() {
      gl_Position = vec4(sin(float(gl_VertexID)),

    const fs_source = `#version 300 es
    precision highp float;
    out vec4 anyNameYouWant;
    void main() {
        anyNameYouWant = vec4(1, 0, 0.5, 1);

    let vs = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER)
    gl.shaderSource(vs, vs_source)
    if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
        throw Error("Vertex shader compilation failed")

    let fs = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
    gl.shaderSource(fs, fs_source)
    if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
        throw Error("Fragment shader compilation failed")

    window.program = gl.createProgram()
    gl.attachShader(program, vs)
    gl.attachShader(program, fs)
    if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
        throw Error("Linking failed")

function draw() {
    const connection = gl.LINES // or gl.TRIANGLES or gl.POINTS
    const offset = 0            // unused here, but required
    const count = 12            // number of vertices to draw
    gl.drawArrays(gl.LINES, offset, count)

window.addEventListener('load',(event)=>{ = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext('webgl2')
<canvas width="300" height="300"></canvas>