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There are three common ways to light a scene

Gouraud shading

Compute lighting per vertex in the vertex shader; let DDA/Bresenham interpolate the resulting colors to fragments.

  • fast in common case where there are many fewer vertices than fragments
  • no memory required
  • polygon edges become visible to the casual observer
  • localized effects like point lights and specular highlights tend to behave erratically, with too-strong impact wen near a vertex and too-weak impact when near the middle of a triangle
Was common in the 1990s, less so in the 2000s, mostly unused since in the 2010s
Baked lighting

Include texture maps with the geometry that are already lit, with shadows and so on pre-computed.

  • almost no GPU work needed
  • allows indirect lighting and other computationally expensive lighting
  • resolution must be predetermined
  • scene geometry and lighting must be static
  • does not scale well with very large scenes
  • may require multiple textures per object to model angle-dependent effects such as specular highlights
Common for ambient diffuse lighting, but rarely the entire lighting solution.
Per-pixel lighting

Also called Phong shading (not to be confused with Phong lighting), in this model the data needed to performing the lighting is interpolated via DDA/Bresenham to each pixel, where the actual lighting happens.

  • handles localized effects light point lights well
  • handles angle-dependent effects such as specular highlights well
  • easily integrates with other effects like shadow and bump mapping and toon shading
  • significantly more work from the GPU, especially if there are many light sources
The default for most interactive 3D graphics today

Within the per-pixel lighting model there are two common approaches

Forward rendering

Light every fragment, even though some will be replaced by other fragments by the depth buffer.

  • simple to program
  • no additional memory required
  • much of the GPU’s work is discarded without being seen
  • culling lights requires CPU-intensive matrix-aware computation and many fragment shaders
Deferred rendering

Also called deferred shading1, this is a two-pass system.

Pass 1: instead of a color buffer, the data needed to compute colors are stored in several G-buffers. filtered by the depth buffer so that we end up with just one position, normal, and material per pixel.

Pass 2: iterate over the G-buffers, computing one color per pixel (not per fragment like forward rendering does).

  • lighting complexity is independant of scene geometry complexity
  • compatible with readily-implemented tile-based culling of lights
  • compatible with various post-process effects like depth of field and fisheye lenses
  • more involved to program
  • much more GPU memory required
  • only faster if the scene is complicated

1 Implementing deferred shading in WebGL2

You’ll need (at least) two GLSL programs to implement deferred rendering.

1.1 Pass 1 shaders

The first pass geoemtry inputs and vertex shader source are the same you’d use for forward rendering.

The first pass fragment shader should have several out vec4s. WebGL2 guarantees you can use at lest 4, and depending on the GPU and browser maybe as many as 16; most GPUs and browsers I checked support either 4 or 8.

The fragment shader should do as little work as possible. If you have few enough inputs that all of them can fit into the available out vec4, just put them there and end. If you have too many, do the minimal amount of work needed to get the remaining information to fit in those out vec4. For example, if you have a base color with a translucent texture overlay you could look up the texture and combine the two into a single color – but only do this if you can’t fit the texture coordinate into the out vec4s.

1.2 Calling the two passes

Pass 1 needs to render into a G-buffer, which we implement using an off-screen structure called a frame buffer

var gBuffer = gl.createFramebuffer() // make the G-buffer
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gBuffer) // and tell GL to use it

The frame buffer needs to store its various out vectors into textures for the second pass to use

gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0) // in pass 1, can re-use one active texture

// set up the output buffers
var outBuffers = []
var targets = []
for(let i=0; i < numberOfOututs; i += 1) {
    var target = gl.createTexture()
    gl.bindTexure(gl.TEXTURE_2D, target)
    // ... set up pixelStore and texParameteri here like usual ...
    gl.texStorage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 1, gl.RGB16F,
        gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight)
        gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, gl.TEXTURE_2D, target, 0);
    outBuffers.push(gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i)

// also need a depth buffer
var depthTexture = gl.createTexture()
gl.bindTexure(gl.TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture)
// ... set up pixelStore and texParameteri here like usual ...
gl.texStorage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 1, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16,
    gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight)
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,
    gl.TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture, 0);

The second pass setup needs all of the G-buffer textures, and may need others for usual texture look-up too

for(let i = 0; i < targets.length; i+=1) {
    gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i)
    gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, targets[i])
// bind other textures using `gl.TEXTURE0 + targets.length` and beyond

The first pass drawing code needs to use the framebuffer and depth tests

gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gBuffer)
// draw the geometry here

The second pass drawing code needs to use the default framebuffer and no depth

gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null)
// draw the full-screen quad here

1.3 Pass 2 shaders

The second pass geometry should be a simple quad that fills the screen with a where on the screen is it texture coordinate.

The second pass fragment shader should look up the data stored by the first pass in the supplied uniform sampler2Ds and use them to complete the lighting and shading computation.