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This page is intended to be a brief reference on implementing Bézier curves. It is not intended to be a full discussion of the topic, only a reference.

1 Definition

A Bézier curve is a sequence of control points on a parameter interval.

The control points may be scalars or vectors, and there may be an number of them; we will denote the control points as p_0, p_1, \dots, p_n. The n here is the order of the Bézier curve and is one less than the number of control points.

We will refer to the parameter interval as going from t_0 to t_n. We assume t_0 < t_n.

2 de Casteljau’s Algorithm

To find the point on a Bézier curve at some parameter value t', we proceed as follows.

Let t be the relative parameter value defined by t = \frac{t'-t_0}{t_n-t_0}.

If n=0, return p_0. Otherwise, define a set of control points where the new n is the old n-1 and the new p_i is the old (1-t) p_i + (t) p_{i+1}; repeat until the new n is zero. The operation (1-t) p_i + (t) p_{i+1} is called a lerp (short for linear interpolation).

JavaScript code for basic de Casteljau
const lerp = (t,p0,p1) => add(mul(p0,1-t), mul(p1,t))
const lbez = (t, ...p) => {
  while(p.length > 1) p = p.slice(1).map((e,i) => lerp(t,p[i],e))
  return p[0]

In addition to providing the point on the curve at t, De Casteljau’s algorithm also splits the original Bézier curve into two: the set of all p_0 (in the order created) define the portion of the Bézier curve in the interval [t_0, t] and the set of all p_n (in the reverse order created) define the portion of the Bézier curve in the interval [t, t_n]

JavaScript code for de Casteljau curve spliting
const bezcut = (t, ...p) => {
  let front = [], back = []
  while(p.length > 0) {
    p = p.slice(1).map((e,i) => lerp(t,p[i],e))
  return [front, back]


At t = t_0, the value of a Bézier curve is p_0. At t = t_n, the value of a Bézier curve is p_n. In general, the Bézier curve does not pass through any of its other control points.

Bézier curves always remain inside the convex hull of their control points.

Within the interval t_0 \le t \le t_n, de Casteljau’s algorithm is unconditionally numerically stable: it gives the value of the polynomial with as much numerical precision as the control points and t values are themselves specified. Outside that interval de Casteljau’s algorithm still works in principle, but it is not stable, accumulating numerical error at a rate polynomial in the distance outside the interval.

Bézier curves also can be degree-elevated and degree-reduced; can efficiently determine their derivative using a hodograph; can represent conic sections if the control points are homogeneous coordinates; and can be generated in a smooth spline using B-splines and their variants. For an extensive treatment, see Thomas Sederberg’s book Computer Aided Geometric Design.