In this MP you will
This MP is elective, with no core components. It assumes you have already completed the Many Spheres MP.
This MP is likely to take more effort and time than its point value suggests. It is intended to be a jumping-off point for students interested in fluid dynamics, which is not a topic given much attention in this course.
You will submit a webpage that has
Submit an HTML file and any number of js, css, and glsl files. No json or image files are permitted for this assignment.
You are welcome to use a JavaScript math library, such as the one used in in-class examples or others you might know.
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is not usually fast enough to run in interactive system. It also includes many tuning parameters, which are not easy to select for a good look. This specification walks you through getting one specific SPH simulation running with the understanding that you use that as a jumping-off point for other simulations.
Render 2D particles as circles using a dynamic attribute buffer of
positions and gl.POINTS
Recommended approach
radiiYou should be able to run the simulation at the end of each step
Implement Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics without surface tension. This will mean computing three kernels: W_\text{poly6} for density, \nabla W_\text{spikey} for pressure, and \nabla^2 W_\text{visc} for viscosity. Note the adjusted coefficients for 2D given after the main equations for these functions.
Self-influencing particles
Density uses W_\text{poly6} which is non-zero when r=0; thus every particle adds to its own density. This is important for the correct operation of the SPH method.
Pressure uses \nabla W_\text{spikey} which is zero when r=0 so a particle exerts no pressure on itself.
Viscosity uses \nabla^2 W_\text{visc} which is non-zero when r=0, but multiplies it by \vec v_ji - \vec v_i which is the zero vector when i = j so a particle exerts no viscosity on itself.
Use the following parameters:
Symbol | Value | Notes |
h | \dfrac{3}{2n^2} | This is the support radius of the kernels, meaning particles outside this radius do not impact a given particle. |
\rho_0 | \dfrac{1}{3} | This is the target density of the fluid in arbitrary units |
k | 20 | This is the stiffnessof the fluid and controls how strongly it resists compression |
\mu | 10^{-6} | This is the viscosity of the fluid and controls how thick and goopy it is |
radius | \frac{h}{3} | The visual size of each particle |
m_i | \dfrac{h^2}{9} | The mass of a 2D particle is the square of its radius |
g | 1 | The acceleration of gravity; in other words, v_y -= 1 \Delta t each frame |
Set the bounds of the simulation to between -1 and 1 in both x and y.
As a crude approximation of the CFL conditions, use \Delta t = \dfrac{h}{10} regardless of how quickly the browser renders frames. Note that even this may be too high and result in run-away energy gain and particle explosion if
If your simulation explodes, try reducing \Delta t or adjusting any of the above parameters away from the explosion state. Reducing k can be an especially effective tool for reintroducing stability and the cost of making the fluid compressible and squishy.
Recommended approach
First, verify you can find the density of particles in the sphere collision code. Evaluate \rho for each particle and render it as particle color. It has fairly arbitrary units; I found that using the color RGB = (\rho, 0.5\rho, 2\rho) resulted in dark purple particles that turned white when pressed together, but your scaling might differ.
A recommended code organization is
The initial separation of particles matters hugely in the resulting simulation because SPH is trying to simulation nearly-incompressible fluids; put them too close together and they’ll explode. Additionally, if they are too perfectly aligned they have difficulty entering a stable fluid arrangement.
Use the following method to arrange particles in a well-spaced near-grid on the left side of the screen:
let pos = [radius-1, radius-1]
const gap = radius*2
for(let s of spheres) {
.position = [pos[0]+Math.random()*gap/10, pos[1]+Math.random()*gap/10]
s1] += gap
pos[if (pos[1] > 1-radius) {
1] = radius-1
pos[0] += gap
} }
Use an elasticity of 1 for the walls: fluid does not lose energy when colliding with an rigid obstacle.
Use the same kind of grid-based optimization in picking which particles interact as you did in the Many Spheres MP. Use 2h as the grid cell size.
Keep the particle count input from the Many Spheres MP. Set the default particle count to be at least 200.
Only reset the simulation when the button is pressed, not automatically at any particular interval.
Do not handle sphere-sphere collisions.
On both your development machine and when submitted to the submission server and then viewed by clicking the HTML link, the resulting animation should show a goopy fluid splashing about in a box. The motion should be largely similar every time it is run, though it will vary somewhat because of the small randomization in the initial conditions. One example motion might be the following:
For the most part, your code should just work if you change to 3D particles. You’ll need 3D positions and velocities, a 3D acceleration grid, and need to change the scalars in the kernels to their 3D forms but other than that it should work.
We didn’t do that because you’ll need many more particles; the quiality of the fluid behavior is proportional to the depth of particles; thus the visual quality we get with n particles in 2D takes n^{3/2} in 3D: 8000 instead of 400 for a basic splash, 30,000 instead of 1000 for elementary waves, and so on. Simulations that measure particles in the millions are common for 3D movies.