The following are presented in order of frequency of use in roughly 200 student’s submissions of 4 WebGL2 assignments.

1 gl.getUniformLocation

a compiled GLSL program and the name of a uniform variable in one or both of those shaders.
an integer, indicating which uniform slot that uniform is in.

Uniforms are generally data sent from the CPU to the GPU once and accessed by all the vertices and/or fragments in the scene. They are commonly used for matrices, textures, and some scene-wide constants like light locations.

Each uniform is given a specific location, a small integer usually between 0 and 15. The shader linker picks these location per program, and may pick different locations each compilation.

Common errors
Because the location is a small integer, using the wrong one (such as the location of a similarly-named uniform from a different shader program) might works sometimes and then fail later. Make sure you use the correct program and uniform name.

2 gl.bindVertexArray

The return value of gl.createVertexArray, a Vertex Array Object (VAO).
Side effects

Two related effects.

First, the VAO will record all subsequent calls of

and a few related but uncommon functions.

Second, at the moment of binding, anything recorded by the previously-bound VAO (which may be a default VAO managed by WebGL2 if none was ever bound) will be disabled and anything previously recorded by this VAO will be re-enabled.

Common errors
The VAO can span multiple shader programs, but gl.vertexAttribPointer depends on gl.getAttribLocation which is program-dependent; thus, the VAO is unlikely to work correctly with multiple programs unless they all share the same vertex shader or the attribute locations are specified manually in the vertex shader source code.

3 gl.useProgram

A compiled and linked shader program.
Side effects
Future rendering calls will run with this shader program, potentially changing both view (via vertex shader) and appearance (via fragment shader).

4 gl.clear

A bit-mask indicating a set of display buffers; most often, gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT
Side effects
Erases the indicated display buffers, either to the default value (transparent black for color, 1 for depth) or to a different value previously set by corresponding configuration function.

5 gl.uniformMatrix4fv

  1. The return value of gl.getUniformLocation, which is a shader program-specific integer
  2. false (no other value permitted)
  3. An array or Float32Array containing 16 numbers
Side effects
Sets the value of a uniform mat4 in the GPU.
Common errors

WebGL2 assumes arrays are given in column-major order; that is,

gl.uniformMatrix4fv(loc, false,
    [ 1,  2,  3,  4
    , 5,  6,  7,  8
    , 9, 10, 11, 12
    ,13, 14, 15, 16

will create the matrix \begin{bmatrix}1&5&9&13\\2&6&10&14\\3&7&11&15\\4&8&12&16\end{bmatrix} which is not the order that most programmers expect.

6 gl.bindBuffer

  1. A bind point, typically either gl.ARRAY_BUFFER (for attributes) or gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER (for indices)
  2. The return value of gl.createBuffer, an opaque pointer to an array in GPU memory
Side effects
Links the bind point to the buffer. Because almost all buffer-modifying calls operate on bind points, not buffer objects, this is a necessary initial step in many GPU-memory-influencing operations.
Buffers to not depend on shader program and can be shared across as many programs as use the same data.
Common errors
Because buffers remain bound until a different buffer is bound to the same bind point, forgetting to call gl.bindBuffer might accidentally work if the correct buffer was the last one bound, but then stop working if you later change setup code or the like. To avoid this problem, it is recommended that any JavaScript function that interacts with a buffer calls gl.bindBuffer before doing so.

7 gl.bufferData

  1. A bind point (see gl.bindBuffer)
  2. A flat typed array, typically a Float32Array for attributes or Uint16Array for indices
  3. A usage pattern hint, typically either gl.STATIC_DRAW for data that will be supplied just once or gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW for data that will be re-supplied every frame
  4. (optionally, a range of indices of the array to include)
Side effects
  1. Sends the bytes of the array to GPU memory
  2. Optionally, optimizes how the bytes are stored based on the usage pattern hint
  3. Changes the buffer that is currently bound to the bind point to refer to the new array
  4. Frees the array that the buffer that is currently bound to the bind point previously referred to

In more flexible standards like Vulkan, step 4 is not guaranteed as an array might be referenced by multiple buffers, but that can’t happen in WebGL2. Because step 4 is guaranteed in WebGL2, it can be moved to happen earlier in this sequence, often re-using memory from the old array for the new one.

If you know that you already have a buffer that is the right size and just want to change its contents, gl.bufferSubData may be faster as it does not rely on optimizations to avoid allocating more memory.

8 gl.drawElements

  1. A primitive type, most often gl.TRIANGLES
  2. A count of indices the read from the currently-bound element array buffer which was set up via gl.bindBuffer and generally re-enabled via gl.bindVertexArray
  3. The binary data type in the currently-bound element array buffer, typically gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT
  4. The byte offset of the first index to read, typically 0
Side effects
Renders geometry with vertex data given by gl.vertexAttribPointer, primitive connectivity set by the current gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, and the shader program set by gl.useProgram.
Common errors

The count is a count of indices, not primitives: if you have 10 triangles then the count needs to be 30, not 10.

The offset is in bytes, not indices or primitives: if you want to skip the first 10 triangles and have gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT indices then the offset is (2 bytes per index) × (3 indices per triangle) × (10 triangles) = 60.

9 gl.createBuffer

an opaque pointer that can refer to an array in GPU memory

The thing returned by this function does not have a precise parallel in the CPU-only code that you’d used in other classes. It serves primarily as a way of managing GPU memory.

Actions on buffers all requiring using gl.bindBuffer to link them to one of a fixed set of bind points. The buffer returned by gl.createBuffer is not used otherwise directly used in your code.

Arrays allocated in GPU memory by gl.bufferData are attached to the buffer currently bound to the bind point. If a different array is attached to the same buffer or when the buffer is garbage collected by JavaScript, the array is freed.

Common errors

gl.createBuffer controls GPU memory management and should be called only as needed. If you want to change data, use gl.bufferData without re-calling gl.createBuffer; calling gl.createBuffer every frame is likely to cause a GPU memory leak.

gl.createBuffer does not bind its return value; you’ll generally want to follow it with gl.bindBuffer.

Buffers only store bytes. The data types represented by those bytes is handled by the combination of the data supply functions gl.bufferData/gl.bufferSubData and the data use functions gl.vertexAttribPointer/gl.drawElements. Mixing and matching types in those calls is very unlikely to work.

10 gl.attachShader

  1. the return value of gl.createProgram
  2. the return value of gl.createShader, after calling gl.shaderSource and gl.compileShader on it
Side effect
Picks a shader to be part of a given shader program, preparatory to linking.

You may attach the same shader to as many shader programs as you wish.

Exactly one vertex shader and one fragment shader must be attached to a shader program prior to linking.

Once attached to a shader program, the shader variable is no longer needed.

11 gl.createShader

the type of shader, either gl.VERTEX_SHADER or gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER
An opaque handle to a shader, suitable to use in gl.shaderSource, gl.compileShader, and gl.attachShader.

12 gl.shaderSource

  1. the return value of gl.createShader
  2. a string containing GLSL source code
Side effect
Sets the source code for the given shader.
Always followed by gl.compileShader. gl.shaderSource performs no error checking or any kind; all that is done by gl.compileShader.
Common errors
To use WebGL2’ shader language, the GLSL source must begin (not even a space or newline before it) with the exact string #version 300 es. Without that, the shader defaults to WebGL1’s shader language which had various differences in syntax and semantics and might cause errors either at compile or run time.

13 gl.compileShader

the return value of gl.createShader, after calling gl.shaderSource on it
Side effects
Attempts to generate a binary suitable for being half of a shader program to run on the GPU. If there are errors, stores those internally instead. Both the compiled binary and the errors are stored inside the argument of the function, not returned.
Common errors
Always check the gl.COMPILE_STATUS using gl.getShaderParameter after running this function; without that you can’t tell if the compilation succeeded or not.

14 gl.getShaderParameter

  1. the return value of gl.createShader
  2. what you want to check, typically gl.getShaderParameter
One of a fixed set of values, depending on what you checked. For gl.getShaderParameter, either true for success or false for any compiler error.
Common errors

Always check the gl.COMPILE_STATUS after running gl.compileShader; without that you can’t tell if the compilation succeeded or not.

If the status is false, use gl.getShaderInfoLog to learn why the compilation failed.

15 gl.getShaderInfoLog

the return value of gl.createShader
Any diagnostic, warning, error, or informational messages that have been associated with this shader. May be the empty string if there are not such messages.
Common errors
gl.getShaderInfoLog does not remove the need for gl.getShaderParameter: the info log might be non-empty even if the compilation succeeds.

16 gl.uniform1f

  1. The return value of gl.getUniformLocation, which is a shader program-specific integer
  2. A number
Side effects
Sets the value of a uniform float in the GPU.
Common errors
WebGL2 allows you to have a mismatch between provided data and shader data size, such as using gl.uniform1f to set a vec4, but doing so tends to cause confusion and errors and should be avoided.

17 gl.clearColor

four numbers between 0 and 1 (RGBA)
Side effect
Sets the color that subsequent gl.clear will replace the entire canvas with, assuming gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT is included in the gl.clear call.
If the fourth value (alpha) is less than 1, the canvas will be cleared with a (partially) transparent color, allowing whatever is behind the canvas on the webpage to be visible through it (until you draw something over it, of course).

18 gl.enableVertexAttribArray

the return value of gl.getAttribLocation
Side effect
Informs the GPU that you plan to use this attribute, allowing subsequent functions to refer to it.
Common errors
gl.enableVertexAttribArray must be called on an attribute location before it is used in any other functions.

19 gl.vertexAttribPointer

  1. index: the return value of gl.getAttribLocation
  2. size: an integer between 1 and 4 (inclusive), indicating how many numbers are in the array per attribute (e.g. for 2D Cartesian vectors this would be 2)
  3. type: a type code, describing how to parse the bytes in the array; typically gl.FLOAT
  4. normalized: whether to try to convert integers to floats or not; typically false, ignored if the previous argument was gl.FLOAT
  5. stride: how many bytes to skip between the end of one attribute value and the start of the next; typically 0
  6. offset: the index of the first byte of the first value to reach; typically 0
Side effect
Tells the GPU how to parse the byes of a buffer into numbers to send into attributes (i.e. vertex shader in variables). Note that this is connected to the attribute, not the buffer, to support cases where multiple attributes are stored in different parts of the same buffer.

The size argument should be the number of elements per value in the buffer, not in the vertex shader. For example, if you have a vec3 in GLSL being supplied with 2-vectors in the buffer you’d use 2, not 3; the GPU will automatically fill in any missing parts of the GLSL declaration with the corresponding coordinate of the homogeneous zero point (0,0,0,1).

The type and normalized arguments are primarily for memory-constrained systems with very large geometries; they should be gl.FLOAT and false, respectively, unless you spend time learning the various other formats and how they are mapped to floats.

The stride and offset arguments can be used to store several attributes in a single buffer.

If I had a Float32Array storing position and normal interleaved as [p_{1,x}, p_{1,y}, p_{1,z}, n_{1,x}, n_{1,y}, n_{1,z}, p_{2,x}, p_{2,y}, \dots] I’d send it to the GPU using gl.bufferData and tell the GPU to parse it as

let posiLoc = gl.getAttribLocation("position")
let normLoc = gl.getAttribLocation("normal")
gl.vertexAttribPointer(posiLoc, 3, gl.FLOAT, 0, 3*4, 0*4)
gl.vertexAttribPointer(normLoc, 3, gl.FLOAT, 0, 3*4, 3*4)

where the *4 is is handling the bytes per value in a Float32Array.

Common errors

size is the size of one attribute value, not the entire array.

size uses the unit of numbers, while stride and offset use the unit of bytes.

type must match the format of the typed array passed to gl.bufferData; for example, Float32Array must be paired with gl.FLOAT.

gl.enableVertexAttribArray must be called on an attribute location before it is used in any other functions, including gl.vertexAttribPointer.

20 gl.getAttribLocation

a compiled GLSL program and the name of an in variable in that programs vertex shader
an integer, indicating which attribute slot that attribute is in.

Attributes require multiple parts to work, including gl.bufferData to send data to the GPU and gl.vertexAttribPointer to tell the GPU how to parse that data.

Each attribute is given a specific location, a small integer usually between 0 and 15. The vertex shader compiler picks these locations per program, and may pick different locations each compilation.

Common errors
Because the location is a small integer, using the wrong one (such as the location of a similarly-named uniform from a different shader program) might works sometimes and then fail later. Make sure you use the correct program and attribute name.

gl.enableVertexAttribArray must be called on the return value before it is used in any other functions.

21 gl.createProgram

22 gl.linkProgram

23 gl.getProgramParameter

24 gl.getProgramInfoLog

25 gl.createVertexArray

26 gl.drawArrays

27 gl.uniform4fv

28 gl.uniform1i

29 gl.enable

30 gl.viewport

31 gl.uniform3fv

32 gl.blendFunc

33 gl.uniform4f

34 gl.uniform2fv

35 gl.uniform2f

36 gl.texParameteri

37 gl.activeTexture

38 gl.disable

39 gl.uniform1fv

40 gl.bindTexture

41 gl.texImage2D

42 gl.uniformMatrix3fv

43 gl.uniform4iv

44 gl.uniform3iv

45 gl.uniform2iv

46 gl.getUniform

47 gl.generateMipmap

48 gl.detachShader

49 gl.createTexture

50 gl.bufferSubData

51 gl.vertexAttrib3f

52 gl.validateProgram

53 gl.uniformMatrix2fv

54 gl.pixelStorei

55 gl.getVertexAttrib

56 gl.getExtension

57 gl.getActiveUniform

58 gl.depthFunc

59 gl.deleteProgram

60 gl.blendEquation