1 Absences

Lecture attendance is not required and not part of your grade; hence absences from lecture are permitted at any time for any reason.

Any scheduled as an in-person assessments must be taken as scheduled; exceptions must be arranged in advance and in most cases will be rescheduled at a time before the usual assessment time. As of 2022-08-19 there is only one scheduled in-person assessment (the final quiz), and we reserve the right to change it to a less-restrictive format such as the CBTF or an online quizzing tool, offered in a time window that includes the currently scheduled time.

2 Academic Integrity

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Student Code should also be considered as a part of this syllabus. Students should pay particular attention to Article 1, Part 4: Academic Integrity. Read the Code at the following URL: http://studentcode.illinois.edu/.

Academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade. Every student is expected to review and abide by the Academic Integrity Policy: https://studentcode.illinois.edu/article1/part4/1-401/. Ignorance is not an excuse for any academic dishonesty. It is your responsibility to read this policy to avoid any misunderstanding. Do not hesitate to ask the instructor(s) if you are ever in doubt about what constitutes plagiarism, cheating, or any other breach of academic integrity.

As a course in the department of Computer Science, every student in this course is expected to review and abide by the Honor Code and Academic Integrity policy: https://cs.illinois.edu/academics/honor-code. To assist in clarifying that for this course, we define three terms and a set of policies for each type of graded assessment in this course.

2.1 Definitions

Static content existed in its entirety with no input from students and no reference to this course nor to the assignment in question. Most textbooks, websites, and recordings are static content.

Interactive content is created, in part or in whole, in response to the course, assignment, or students. Live help from tutors or peers is always interactive, as are Q&A and discussion forums with student contributors and any content that refers to an assignment directly.

Overfitted content addresses the answer (what to select on a quiz question, what to type in a program, etc.) rather than the knowledge the assignment was designed to build or measure. If the content fails to teach you both (a) why an answer works and (b) how to complete different assessments based on the same principle, then the content is overfitted.

2.2 Assignment-specific Policies

Online Quizzes

Online quizzes will be administered throughout the semester.

Information Source Policy
Your memory from before you viewed the quiz, regardless of source OK
A calculator or computer program you wrote OK
Course-provided recordings or readings OK
Other static, not-overfitted content Cite*
Interactive help from course staff Cite*
Other interactive or overfitted help. Prohibited

A quiz may explicitly allow additional information sources in its lead-in text on the quizzing site.

* To cite sources, give a link (or other descriptor for non-web content) in the comments box for the question. If a quiz question does not have a comments box, Cite sources may be used without citation on that question. Comments boxes may also be used for non-citation comments, for example to explain the reasoning behind your answer.

Programming assignments

Graded homework programming assignments will be due throughout the semester.

Information Source Policy
Your memory from before you viewed the quiz, regardless of source OK
A calculator or computer program you wrote OK
Course-provided recordings or readings OK
Interactive help from course staff OK
Language and API documentation and help (static or dynamic) OK
Non-overfitted static help Cite**
Non-overfitted dynamic help that does not include code (neither written nor described) Cite**
Interactive help that includes code Prohibited
Overfitted sources Prohibited

A programming assignment may explicitly allow more collaboration in its lead-in text on the homework description site.

** To cite sources, give a link (or other descriptor for non-web content) in comments in your code.

Final quiz

The final quiz will be administered during the university-assigned final exams period.

No sources are permitted other than what is already in your head when you show up for the quiz.

You may not share what was on the final quiz, even in vague terms, with anyone until after the quiz is closed.

3 Community of Care

As members of the Illinois community, we each have a responsibility to express care and concern for one another. If you come across a classmate whose behavior concerns you, whether in regards to their well-being or yours, we encourage you to refer this behavior to the Student Assistance Center (217-333-0050 or http://odos.illinois.edu/community-of-care/referral/). Based on your report, the staff in the Student Assistance Center reaches out to students to make sure they have the support they need to be healthy and safe.

Further, as a Community of Care, we want to support you in your overall wellness. We know that students sometimes face challenges that can impact academic performance (examples include mental health concerns, food insecurity, homelessness, personal emergencies). Should you find that you are managing such a challenge and that it is interfering with your coursework, you are encouraged to contact the Student Assistance Center (SAC) in the Office of the Dean of Students for support and referrals to campus and/or community resources.

4 CS Code of Conduct

As a member of the Illinois Computer Science community, you are expected to know and abide by the Illinois Computer Science Values & Code of Conduct (URL: https://cs.illinois.edu/about/values). If you come across a classmate whose behavior concerns you in regards to this code of conduct, we encourage you to refer this behavior to the CS CARES Committee: https://cs.illinois.edu/about/cs-cares.

5 Disruptive Beavior

Behavior that persistently or grossly interferes with classroom activities is considered disruptive behavior and may be subject to disciplinary action. Such behavior inhibits other students’ ability to learn and an instructor’s ability to teach. A student responsible for disruptive behavior may be required to leave class pending discussion and resolution of the problem and may be reported to the Office for Student Conflict Resolution (https://conflictresolution.illinois.edu; conflictresolution@illinois.edu; 333-3680) for disciplinary action.

6 Emergency Response Recommendations

Emergency response recommendations and campus building floor plans can be found at the following website: https://police.illinois.edu/em/run-hide-fight/. I encourage you to review this website within the first 10 days of class.

7 Mental Health

Significant stress, mood changes, excessive worry, substance/alcohol misuse or interferences in eating or sleep can have an impact on academic performance, social development, and emotional wellbeing. The University of Illinois offers a variety of confidential services including individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, psychiatric services, and specialized screenings which are covered through the Student Health Fee. If you or someone you know experiences any of the above mental health concerns, it is strongly encouraged to contact or visit any of the University’s resources provided below. Getting help is a smart and courageous thing to do for yourself and for those who care about you.

  • Counseling Center (217) 333-3704
  • McKinley Health Center (217) 333-2700
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255
  • Rosecrance Crisis Line (217) 359-4141 (available 24/7, 365 days a year)

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

This statement is approved by the University of Illinois Counseling Center

8 Religious Observances

Illinois law requires the University to reasonably accommodate its students’ religious beliefs, observances, and practices in regard to admissions, class attendance, and the scheduling of examinations and work requirements. Students should complete the Request for Accommodation for Religious Observances form should any instructors require an absence letter in order to manage the absence. In order to best facilitate planning and communication between students and faculty, students should make requests for absence letters as early as possible in the semester in which the request applies.

Part of my religion discourages me from participating in work-related activities on Sundays. As such, I will generally not respond to course-related communications on those days.

9 Sexual Misconduct Reporting Obligation

The University of Illinois is committed to combating sexual misconduct. Faculty and staff members are required to report any instances of sexual misconduct to the University’s Title IX and Disability Office. In turn, an individual with the Title IX and Disability Office will provide information about rights and options, including accommodations, support services, the campus disciplinary process, and law enforcement options.

A list of the designated University employees who, as counselors, confidential advisors, and medical professionals, do not have this reporting responsibility and can maintain confidentiality, can be found here: https://wecare.illinois.edu/resources/students/#confidential.

Other information about resources and reporting is available here: https://wecare.illinois.edu.

10 Students with Disabilities

To obtain disability-related academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities must contact the course instructor as soon as possible and provide the instructor with a Letter of Academic Accommodations from Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES). To ensure that disability-related concerns are properly addressed from the beginning, students with disabilities who require assistance to participate in this class should apply for services with DRES and see the instructor as soon as possible. If you need accommodations for any sort of disability, please speak to me after class, or make an appointment to see me or see me during my office hours. DRES provides students with academic accommodations, access, and support services. To contact DRES, you may visit 1207 S. Oak St., Champaign, call 217-333-1970, e-mail or visit the DRES website at http://www.disability.illinois.edu/. Here is the direct link to apply for services at DRES, https://www.disability.illinois.edu/applying-services.

Of particular note: by university policy, services recommended by DRES are not retroactive, applying only from the date of their being granted forward. If you believe you may benefit from such services, please contact DRES before the services are needed.

This course is almost entirely about how things look. If you have an uncorrected visual impairment, a light-induced disability, or any form of optical diversity or abnormality (for example: complete or partial blindness, uncorrected myopia or hyperopia, color blindness, monocular vision, flashing-light-induced seizures, scotophobia, etc.), please visit one-on-one with the course instructor to discuss how these may interact with the course.