CS/ECE 374 – Spring 2025
Chandra Chekuri (chekuri)
James Hulett (jhulett2)
Teaching Assistants
Yulie Arad
Tanvi Bajpai
James Fang
Noah Gersich
Alex Jin
Praveen Kalva
Relena Li
Ethan Mathew
Victor Murta
Samuel Ruggerio
Xinyi Wei
Arthur Wang
Course Assistants
Aarushi Aggrwal
Balaji Balachandran
Vijay Daita
Sarah Dowden
David Han
Anoushka Khajanchi
Sasha Levinshteyn
Zexin Lin
Pranay Midha
Alan Mu
Shashwat Mundra
Pranav Pullabhotla
Anisha Rao
Yuuki Sawanoi
Nuoxing Shang
Sofia Sivilotti
Navid Tajkhorshid
Ryan To
Bwohan Wang
Michael Xu
Linda Yan
James Yang
Franklin Zhang
Yanni Zhuang

Regular weekly schedule

Tue Thu 11:00-12:15, THEAT Lincoln Hall
Section AYA: Xinyi WF 11:00-11:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYB: Tanvi WF 12:00-12:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYC: Sam WF 13:00-13:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYD: Arthur WF 14:00-14:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYE: Ethan WF 15:00-15:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYF: Noah WF 16:00-16:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYG: Victor WF 13:00-13:50, 4101 Materials Science & Eng Bld
Section AYH: Alex WF 14:00-14:50, 4101 Materials Science & Eng Bld
- There is no section AYI. -
Section AYJ: Relena WF 09:00-09:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYK: Yulie WF 10:00-10:50, 1304 Siebel Center for Comp Sci
Section AYL: Praveen WF 15:00-15:50, 4101 Materials Science & Eng Bld
Office hours:
See schedule.
Due Tuesday at 9am, completed on PraireLearn
Late GPSes will be accepted until midnight on Tuesday for 75% credit.
Due Wednesday at 9am, uploaded to Gradescope
Late homeworks will be accepted until midnight on Wednesday for 75% credit.
Homeworks are released at least one week before the due date.
Under normal circumstances, graded homeworks should be returned within ten days of submission.

Website generously borrowed from those of previous semesters.