Piazza policies/guidlines

Mon. Jan. 18, 2021

We expect students to abide by the following rules or guidelines when using Piazza for communications in this course

  1. All discourse must be honest and at least as respectful as if you were in a room with the other forum members.
  2. Vulgar language or personal attacks will be prohibited. Disrespectful posts will be deleted and students who intentionally post such things will lose membership in this forum.
  3. You should not interfere with other students' post by pinning/unpinning or editing the content of other student's post, not to mention an instructor's post.
  4. You may never publicly post solutions of any kind directly related to a homework or project.
  5. You should not expect instructors to answer instantly, usually a 24-hour window is reasonable.
  6. You should not expect instructors to answer questions timely when the time is off their schedules.
  7. You should refrain from asking low-effort or unthoughtful questions and questions that are similar to those already asked.
  8. You should expect your questions are often answered by other students. In such a collaboration, instructors do not necessarily step in to correct answers.
  9. You should defer complex questions about the course assignment to your discussion session or office hours because such sessions are more suitable for that purpose.