(x,y) = [340, 2**.5] print('x =', x) print('y =', y) print('divmod(x,y) =', divmod(x,y)) quot,rem = divmod(x,y) print('divmod(x,y) returned',quot,'and',rem) def returnmore(x,y): return x+y, x-y, x*y, x/y, x//y, x%y, x**y p,m,t,d,fd,m,w = returnmore(x,y) print('x to the power of y =', w) d = { 124:'Introduction to Computer Science I', 128:'Introduction to Computer Science II', 173:'Discrete Structures', 225:'Data Structures', } print(d) print(d.items()) for num,name in d.items(): print('CS',num,'is',name)