Coding without Starter Files

It is common for students to start with a mix of very small coding projects written from scratch and larger coding projects written within a provided skeleton. Eventually, however, you need to move to writing larger projects without a skeleton, which can be a daunting thing to do especially on your first time.

This is my effort at making that less daunting.

1 The cumulative effect of marginal improvements

How do I write a NN-line program?
By adding a few lines to an (Nϵ)(N-\epsilon)-line program.

When faced with a big open-ended task start by asking yourself what’s one thing the program has to do that can be done on its own? Maybe the answer is segment a byte into bits or read a 4-byte big-endian number from a file or split a string into lines of text. Write a program that does just that one thing, nothing else. Test it. Fix it. Test it again. Celebrate that you’ve got one thing working!

Then ask yourself what’s one additional thing it needs to do? Sometimes that’s something you can just add, either on its own or fitting nicely into what you’ve already done. Sometimes it’s something you can build out in its own little test program, then integrate later. Sometimes it’s something that requires you to first refactor your code, changing how it is doing what it is already doing so there’s a good place for what you’re adding.

And so on.

I have written programs of several hundred lines in one go, but that’s a very risky thing to do. Almost every program I’ve ever written was a small delta on a program I’d also written.

2 Data structures to match mental structures

What data structures should I use to implement this algorithm?
The same ones you use to describe it.

If (a) an algorithm is described (either by me in the course material or by you when thinking about it) by referring to chunks or messages or pixels or code points or some other thing, and (b) you don’t have that thing as a data structure/object type in your code, then (c) you are doing things the hard way.

Perhaps even more importantly, if you have something you would refer to in describing the code that you store in several different data structures at the same time, you’ve set yourself up for confusing bugs. Should the thing we describe as a character be an integer or a list of bytes or or a custom class? It may be one of those is better than another, but the worst of them is still better than some kind of chimera mix-and-match. One structure for one concept.

3 Don’t repeat yourself

In principle, any piece of code can be factored out into its own function. The following are all signs that a piece of code should be factored out as a function:

4 Debugging and bug-avoiding tips

See also out text on debugging