I've been hiding things from you, ignoring things, and sometimes lying a bit. Today I plan to peek inside the doors I wallpapered over earlier in the semester... 1. Processors a. micro-ops b. superscalar c. side channels 2. Storage a. HDD v SSD v NVRAM b. hard v soft links * c. other storage models i. blobs Amazon S3 ii. key-value Redis iii. object MongoDB iv. relational SQLite MySQL SQLServer MairaDB PostGres v. ACID (atomic consistent isolated durable) 3. Containers a. storage b. serverless 4. HTTP a. other headers * b. cookies * c. caching i. client-side (Cache-Control: max-age=...) ii. server-side (If-Modified-Since: ...) iii. server-side (If-None-Match: ... and ETag: ... ) d. websocket e. WebRTC 5. async a. stack management * b. event loop (Python) vs promise (JavaScript) vs implicit (vibe.d) Data paths Chip fabrication Persistence on web