Course Websites

CS 210 - Ethical & Professional Issues

Last offered Fall 2024

Official Description

Ethics for the computing profession. Ethical decision-making; licensing; intellectual property, freedom of information, and privacy. Course Information: Credit is not given for both CS 210 and either CS 211 or ECE 316. Prerequisite: CS 225. Junior standing required.

Related Faculty

Learning Goals

Identify and analyze ethical and professional issues in computing (4)
Design and evaluate solutions to ethical problems (4)
Explain your reasoning in presenting your analyses and solutions (3)
Describe multiple perspectives and respect diverse opinions (5)
Formulate questions to promote discussion and understanding (4)
Plan and deliver a formal presentation as a team (5)
Plan and deliver a formal presentation (3)
Act like a professional person (be on time, respect others, etc.) (4)

Topic List

Ethics, ethical decision-making
Professionalism, professional licensing, codes of ethics
History of computing, netiquette
Hacking, malware
Crime, warfare
Privacy, freedom of information
Intellectual property: copyrights, patents
Risk and reliability
Artificial ethics: robotics, nanotechnology, etc.
Employment and workplace issues, conflict of interest
Whistle-blowing, e-commerce
Education, access to computers
Other social issues

Assessment and Revisions

Revisions in last 6 years Approximately when revision was done Reason for revision Data or documentation available?
Changed talk evaluation matrix 2010 Speed up and clarify grading process Yes
Changed to 12 weekly feedback responses 2007 Student feedback on ICES (student evaluation) forms ICES feedback forms
Added 5-minute history talks 2012 (permanently) More chance for students to practice speaking Last ABET review suggestion, ICES feedback
Added more current events 2010 Students showed great interest, as evidenced from ICES forms ICES feedback forms
Eliminated initial ice-breaker exercise 2009 Took too much class time No

Required, Elective, or Selected Elective


Ethical & Professional IssuesCSP31517LCD21000 - 1250 F  ARR Illini Center Gretchen Winter
Ethical & Professional IssuesEA131516LCD21500 - 1550 M W  1404 Siebel Center for Comp Sci Ryan Matthew Cunningham