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CEE 201 - Systems Engrg & Economics
Last offered Fall 2023
Official Description
Introduction to the formulation and solution of civil engineering problems. Major topics: engineering economy, mathematical modeling, and optimization. Application of techniques, including classical optimization, linear and nonlinear programming, network theory, critical path methods, simulation, decision theory, and dynamic programming to a variety of civil engineering problems. Course Information: Credit is not given for both CEE 201 and IE 310. Prerequisite: MATH 231; CS 101; credit or concurrent registration in MATH 225 or MATH 415 or MATH 257.
Related Faculty
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Systems Engrg & Economics | NP | 29694 | LCD | 3 | 0930 - 1050 | T R | 1310 Newmark Civil Engineering Bldg | Eleftheria Kontou Denissa Sari Darmawi Purba Han Sae Cho |
Systems Engrg & Economics | ZJU | 71283 | LEC | 3 | - | Hadi Meidani |