Course Websites
BIOE 598 MPM - Bio Disease Model Personal Med
Last offered Spring 2025
Official Description
Subject offerings of new and developing areas of knowledge in bioengineering intended to augment the existing curriculum. See Class Schedule or departmental course information for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: May be repeated in the same or separate terms if topics vary.
Section Description
This course will cover advanced concepts for the design and application of bioengineered disease models that hold immense promise for advancing personalized medicine. Traditional methods of studying health and disease involve 2D cultures and laboratory animals, which have limitations in their ability to accurately mimic human biology. The generation of bioengineered 3D cultures and Organ-on-a-Chip models from human cells may overcome this issue and improve clinical translation. Organ-on-a-Chip models are akin to miniature organs that recapitulate the structure and function of real organs. We'll explore how these tiny ?chips? can be precisely tuned to understand individual patient disease, with a focus on addressing leading causes of death ? heart disease, cancer, and lung disease. Students will learn how to strategically design these models to mimic complex physical and chemical cues in the cell microenvironment. Topics include biomaterials, mechanobiology, microfluidics, live im
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Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Bio Disease Model Personal Med | MPM | 60234 | LEC | 4 | 1300 - 1350 | M W F | 2039 Campus Instructional Facility | Susan Leggett |