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BIOE 588 - Biomed Img Cmp Capstone Lit Rv

Last offered Spring 2025

Official Description

This journal-club style course will expose students to the modern literature on biomedical imaging and machine learning. Students will be exposed to cutting edge topics in the rapidly evolving field of biomedical image computing. Additionally, the course will prepare students for the capstone project in the Biomedical Image Computing MS degree program that will take place in the third semester of the program. During this course, students will interact with potential project mentors and engage in detailed literature reviews related to potential projects. Course Information: Approved for S/U grading only. Prerequisite: Graduate student standing. Concurrent enrollment in BIOE 484 and BIOE 486 is required. Restricted to students in the Biomedical Image Computing M.S. degree program only.

Related Faculty

Biomedical Image Computing CapCL174085LCD11000 - 1050 F  2233 Everitt Laboratory Mark Anastasio
Biomed Img Cmp Capstone Lit RvCLO77261ONL1 -    Mark Anastasio