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BIOE 486 - Applied Deep Learning for Biomedical Imaging

Last offered Spring 2025

Official Description

Covers basic concepts, methodology and algorithms in deep learning and their applications to solve various biomedical imaging problems. Introduction to neural networks and their application to supervised and unsupervised learning problems formulated for biomedical imaging will be provided. Connections between general learning methodologies and specific challenges in the field of biomedical imaging, and design, implementation and evaluation of deep neural network-based solutions to imaging problems will be emphasized. Problems covered will include imaging system design and optimization, image recovery and reconstruction (built on the imaging physics and system course ? BIOE 483), image processing (e.g., denoising, super-resolution and enhancement) and image analysis (e.g., same-contrast, multi-contrast and multimodal image registration, segmentation, classification and quality assessment). Biomedical application specific problems and solutions will be covered via hands-on problems and

Related Faculty

Subject Area

  • Bioengineering

Course Description

Covers basic concepts, methodology and algorithms in deep learning and their applications to solve various biomedical imaging problems. Introduction to neural networks and their application to supervised and unsupervised learning problems formulated for biomedical imaging will be provided. Connections between general learning methodologies and specific challenges in the field of biomedical imaging, and design, implementation and evaluation of deep neural network-based solutions to imaging problems will be emphasized. Problems covered will include imaging system design and optimization, image recovery and reconstruction (built on the imaging physics and system course – BIOE 483), image processing (e.g., denoising, super-resolution and enhancement) and image analysis (e.g., same-contrast, multi-contrast and multimodal image registration, segmentation, classification and quality assessment). Biomedical application specific problems and solutions will be covered via hands-on problems and team-based projects.

Credit Hours

4 hours


MATH 241 or equivalent; BIOE 210, MATH 415 or equivalent; BIOE 310, ECE 310, STAT 410 or equivalent; BIOE 198, CS 101 or equivalent; BIOE 483; BIOE 485; or consent of the instructor.

Appl Deep Learn Biomed ImagingDL172055LEC31230 - 1350 T R  2101 Everitt Laboratory Fan Lam
Appl Deep Learn Biomed ImagingDL275060LEC41230 - 1350 T R  2101 Everitt Laboratory Fan Lam
Appl Deep Learn Biomed ImagingDLO76031ONL4 -    Fan Lam