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BIOE 205 - Circuits and System in Bioengrg
Last offered Spring 2025
Official Description
Introduction to signals and linear systems with examples from biology and medicine. Linear systems and mathematical models of systems, including differential equations, convolution, Laplace transforms, Fourier series and transforms, and discrete representations. Class examples and coursework apply general techniques to problems in biological signal analysis, including circuits, enzyme kinematics, and physiological system analysis. Use of Matlab and Simulink software to understand more complex systems. Course Information: Prerequisite: CS 101 or CS 124, PHYS 212, and credit or concurrent registration in MATH 285.
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Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Signals & Systems in Bioengrg | LEC | 60964 | LCD | 3 | 1000 - 1050 | M W F | 4025 Campus Instructional Facility | Ali Ansari |