Course Websites
AE 461 - Structures & Control Lab
Last offered Spring 2024
Official Description
Theory and application of experimental techniques in aerospace engineering with emphasis on structural mechanics, vibrations, dynamics, and control systems. Course Information: 2 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: AE 321 and AE 352. Credit or concurrent registration in AE 323 and AE 353.
Related Faculty
Title | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Structures & Control Lab | AB1 | 54459 | LAB | 0 | 0800 - 0959 | M | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | AB2 | 65708 | LAB | 0 | 1530 - 1730 | T | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | AB3 | 65709 | LAB | 0 | 0800 - 0959 | W | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | AB4 | 65710 | LAB | 0 | 1500 - 1700 | W | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | AB5 | 65711 | LAB | 0 | 1700 - 1900 | W | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | AB6 | 65712 | LAB | 0 | 1530 - 1730 | R | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | AB7 | 65713 | LAB | 0 | 1730 - 1930 | R | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | AB8 | 66000 | LAB | 0 | 1730 - 1930 | T | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | AB9 | 76169 | LAB | 0 | 1730 - 1930 | M | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | ABA | 76170 | LAB | 0 | 0800 - 0959 | T | Ioannis Chasiotis | |
Structures & Control Lab | AS1 | 54458 | LCD | 2 | 1000 - 1050 | T R | 1320 Digital Computer Laboratory | Ioannis Chasiotis |