Course Websites

AE 298 INS - Intro to Nanosatellite Design

Last offered Spring 2025

Official Description

Lectures and discussions relating to new areas of interest. See class schedule for topics and prerequisites. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary.

Section Description

Intro to Nanosatellite Design is an introductory course in the design of small satellites. It is an interdisciplinary, systems-level course that teaches a range of topics, including mission requirements, design processes, spacecraft subsystems, and space environments, among others. The course also has a lab component to introduce students to equipment and tests for simulating the space environment. Students will complete a lab training module to prepare them for potential future work in the university small satellite laboratory. This course will prepare students for ENG 491CU1 (Nanosatellite Design and Build). If you are a non-AE major who would like to register for this course, please email

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Intro to Nanosatellite DesignINS69796LCD30900 - 1020 M W  203 Transportation Building Matt Hausman